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Messages - Maui

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26 / Re: Alamy changed payment threshold
« on: October 16, 2013, 05:09 »
What is the maximum fee for direct bank transfer to an Euro country?
(Sorry if I missed that info somewhere.)

27 / Re: Alamy changed payment threshold
« on: October 15, 2013, 13:19 »

It's the currency exchange transaction you will be charged for not the wire.

Where does it say that? Alamy mentions 'payment charges' for 'bank transfer', not currency exchange fees.

28 / Re: Alamy changed payment threshold
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:58 »
Alamy is listed in the UK, an EU country. My understanding of the legal situation is that they are not allowed to charge more for bank transfers to the EU than for transfers within the UK. By not charging UK-UK transfers but charging UK-EU transfers they might violate this rule.
I am not completely sure about this, though. But Alamy might want to double check this, in order to avoid a formal complaint  ;)

Where did you get this idea from ?

It's not just something that you think should or might be true is it ? Why should they not charge a different rate given that their bank will bill them a different rate ?

The idea came from here, for example:

29 / Re: Alamy changed payment threshold
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:30 »
Alamy is listed in the UK, an EU country. My understanding of the legal situation is that they are not allowed to charge more for bank transfers to the EU than for transfers within the UK. By not charging UK-UK transfers but charging UK-EU transfers they might violate this rule.
I am not completely sure about this, though. But Alamy might want to double check this, in order to avoid a formal complaint  ;)

30 / Re: ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: October 05, 2013, 09:52 »
Be very careful even *trying* this out. Could well be installing a virus on your machine.

31 / Re: Changes to the TOS at Shutterstock
« on: September 18, 2013, 03:31 »
Supposing they were about to implement the insane royalty chart from BigStock at Shutterstock? That would get people talking - and perhaps they'd want that not to happen. I used to make $xx and now I make 1/10th of $xx...

One more reason to have anonymity on this board... >:(

Hm - I still think that the separation was better.

Oh, Yuri - you are a good photographer, but you would make such a bad NSA employee...

Photo Critique / Re: Stocksy rejection: Portfolio critique please
« on: September 04, 2013, 08:24 »
Well, their decision baffles me.

Other than a few weather observations that do not really tell anything, here is an interview with Prof. Storch, one of Germany's leading climate scientists, which is quite interesting:

36 / Re: New Pricing
« on: July 16, 2013, 12:30 »
Never mind...

General Stock Discussion / Re: I Think I'm Done
« on: July 16, 2013, 05:05 »
100,000+ that I've shoved in my back pocket thanks to microstock (and which now yields 5% per year in interests).

Baldrick, that is off-topic, but where do you get 5% interest in the current financial climate? Just curious, I would love to know  :)

Print on Demand Forum / Re: Society6
« on: July 13, 2013, 03:11 »
I hadn't ever heard of Society6 before reading this thread, so I did a little Googling around tonight.

They do have good artists and seem to produce nice products, BUT...  I found this assortment of nasty reviews from customers (, which would make me leery of getting involved with Society6.

Anybody know anything that would refute the low-low-low consumer reviews for that site?

Difficult to assess, but there are only 13 reviews - from how many customers in total we don't know.

General Macrostock / Re: Inmagine Comments?
« on: June 04, 2013, 11:27 »
They also take images from Alamy. Unfortunately without attribution to the original artist.

did anyone wake up this morning to an image of a couple kissing, euwwww. they had another one recently. do these sell well, cos they just gross me out.

Perhaps, if you got more kisses it would be less euwwww for you? These things take practice  8)

General Stock Discussion / Re: this is what sell at Alamy!
« on: May 31, 2013, 03:45 »
Well, my illus are anything but  chocolate box material, but I am quite happy with the sales.

I can see IP address

This means absolutely nothing, a single IP address can be shared even by 1 000 000 persons

Absolutely nothing?  That's not the case at all.  True, a single IP can be shared by a whole company or university.  But it often isn't, and when it is it's easy enough to recognize that fact via reverse IP lookup.  Better to say that IP isn't a perfect solution.  But it's a solution with a low rate of false positives, which is generally my concern.  It's unlikely to block a noninfringer from the same site, so what's the harm?

I thought most ISPs were using dynamic IPs nowadays. My IP changes almost daily.

Well, with such a system in place I would probably refrain from posting in the future.

So i use a circle with the text "YOUR LOGO HERE" and in the middle a dove or a olive wreath.

Perhaps your sample logo looked too similar to a real logo to the inspector. Just remove it and put a plain text in its place.

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: Google Search Results
« on: April 11, 2013, 10:39 »
Coming up in the first position here in Germany.

I guess I'll first have to see the images before I decide whether I

"in the long term, future when you might, possibly, contemplate thinking about attempting to apply, for the matter to be considered for my involvement at a level to be decided at a date yet to be discussed"

as RT put it so nicely. ;D

47 / Re: sjlocke was just booted from iStock
« on: March 25, 2013, 11:26 »
At the moment I can still see and access the portfolio over here in Germany.

I'll keep an eye on it.

Stocksy / Re: Stocksy - Are You Curious? Response?
« on: February 25, 2013, 09:22 »
@luissantos84 actually I've got an invitation by a "member" so I can't give you the answer...

So you were 'invited' and then rejected? That doesn't bode well...

I would combine the heart from the first with the font from the second.  ;D

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