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Messages - pauloresende

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26 / Re: what? third reject from istock
« on: June 02, 2009, 08:56 »
2 and 3 has generated more than 2K of income combined in those sectors

Can you please explained this?
You said that you earn 2000$ with this 2 photos in RM sites?
Is this right?

From a business point of view dont make sense!
From the point of view of helping people, yes make sense!
Dont get me wrong, if we are at this site is because we accept to change info with people that are our  adversaries.

Im only curious about your relationship  with the site, but you can also doing something that can be bad for you. The business get the same and the money must be divide for more people?

Dennis can i make you a personal question?

Do you have anything to do with clipartof or you just try to referral some people there?
Dont get my wrong but in my opinion you are trying to get some extra money by referral some people (and i dont see anything wrong with it).   

Hi Dennis

You talk about, a site that i never cross with.
Do you also use this one?
What is you opinion on this one?

30 / Re: Need advice on vector
« on: May 28, 2009, 14:39 »
I do agree!! I think that i need to let my work rest a few days in my computer and then take a look again. When i do this one it look fine but now i do also think that the anatomy is freaky...
Thank you

31 / Need advice on vector
« on: May 28, 2009, 05:23 »
I get a email were istock said "We're sorry, but we did not find this file suitable as stock." and send me a link where i can find what istock Need and dont Need

After reading the articule i i dont see my illustration represented on the "Dont need" part. What can i do?

The illustration is this:
Is this some error or istock dont need my illustration but forgot to said in that articule that they dont need superheros also?

Im also place this message at istock forum but no one said noting...:(

One other agencie that is base in US only ask me for the W-8BEN form.
I dont need one IRS number or to pay tax in US.
If one agencie manage to solve the problem with only the W-8BEN, way did SS ask for ITIN and a lot of information that is very hard to non-US citizens to obtain?

Since January that my sales at SS as drop for more that 60%. I need almost 2 months to reach to the minimum payout, the dollar is falling. This is to much for 40 month. I prefer close my account.
I pay taxes in my country! Is where i live and where i need roads, schools, medical care!
In my opinion SS must pay tax because they are US firm. In not employe of SS!!!

The vector is already on line.
The problem was in the JPG and the conversion. I save the image with anti-alias but in Illustrator CS4 there are a little problem and if i save the image with 4000 pixels, the image have in some parts artifacts. I solve the problem saving it with 3500 px.
The funny is that this problem is only in this vector and only in some parts of the image here the anti-alias dont work...
But is already solved.

I did not received any email!!
Im not accept and im not rejected?!?!?!
Did i get lost in the hyperspace?
I feel like i dont get to heaven but i dont have passage to hell also?!?!

I email them also, and im waiting for the reply. But the vector was rejected again and because i dont resubmit but instead i submit, they get my a notification and if i do it again they suspend my account  ???

Im there since Feb 2007 and i never had any problem and now this....

Tank you all for the nice words.
There are no open paths or some technical issue with the vector. The file is already in some other sites. If there was something wrong with the file i don't post it here. The one thing that make me made about, is the fact that they said that is "poor execution".
I now that I'm not e very good illustrator, but i also now that in technical terms the vector is fine!

As the shield issue i make 2 versions, one with it and another without. I'm also prefer without but the buyer can bye a 2 in 1 ;)

Tank you for the opinion.
I resubmit the file, now wait and see what happens.

No one give me a little opinion? :(

I need some advice. I upload some vector the other day and to my surprise  today i find that the one you find bellow was rejected. This vector is also in other site no one rejected the vector.
I now that rejections are part of the game and we must live with it.
But the problem is that i dont agree with the reason. If Dreamstime said that they dont like the vector or they dont because they dont like dragons...i can live with that! But the reason is:
"Poor execution, please pay more attention to detail. The technical execution of this collage needs improvement in order to best serve the concept of the image. For illustrations, please check for: poorly traced images, too simplistic, faceted curves, aliased lines, distorted pixels on lines as well as on various textures and images used within the illustration, moiree due to downsampling."

Please see the image below and give you opinion.

Veer / Re: Preference for how vectors are priced?
« on: April 22, 2009, 03:11 »
I do a lot of vectors and i now that are vectors that i can make in 10 minutes and are some that take hours or heaven days.
In my opinion the the most fair approach is the one taken by istock, were they have 3 or 4 ways of charging for the vectors depending on complexity but most of us submit also to many sites that have subscription sales. In this sites the complexity dont matter, this make the marketing difficult to a site with several prices and not exclusivity from the vector artists.
But if you take this way and the contributer start having sales and see that if he make detail illustrations and get more for that illustrations that he get in a subscriptions site, maybe he takes one approach like the one i take. I have vectors to sell in istock that i dont sell in the other site, because in my opinion they are complex and time consuming and i dont want to sell it for 0,30$. We are seeing (at least i am) a drop in the subscription sales. And this is a way that a site have vectors all most exclusive because we (contributors) make a selection were to sell vectors according complexity vs price.

New Sites - General / Re:
« on: April 14, 2009, 08:00 »
I received a invitation today but im not in the mood for have all the trouble of uploading and dont sell nothing!!!

General Stock Discussion / Flames images.
« on: April 13, 2009, 17:28 »
Hello every one.

For some days that i have been thinking how he do this. MISHA, i think that every one here now o I'm talking about. Have some images with flames. I think that is just made with photoshop, but i can be wrong! What did you think, is this only photoshop or is another program?

43 / Re: Question on Branding
« on: March 21, 2009, 15:36 »
I think you are right!

If the intension is by the rights he will have problems because i already sell that image sometimes!

44 / Question on Branding
« on: March 21, 2009, 14:45 »
Hello every one.

I need some advice. I receive a email on istock that you can read below. What did you think?

"I would like to buy the above illustration for branding purposes. Istock Photo says I must negotiate with you directly. I am not a large company and have a limited budget but if you have a reasonable price that I can afford I would like to purchase this for branding."

45 / Re: Crestock Rejects?
« on: March 16, 2009, 09:44 »
Yesterday after months without upload, i decide that i give it a with some objects isolated on white that i take days ago.
From this 6 shots all are in the big 6, evan istock accepted all 6.
Guess what...crestock rejected all!
My guess is that dont want to make money!!!

You also can build or upgrade a mac. In my case i already switch hard drives, memory, graphic cards etc. I see a lot people that said that MAC is a computer like any, if this is true the components that are in it also are equal to any computer! And thats true!

And i see here some people that like to build computers that said that if you have the "expert" windows work fine and if there are some problems, they (the expert that understand programing, hardware, etc) can fix all the problems. But did you guys think in the enormous quantity of people that work with computers that don't now anything about software and hardware!
How many of you that buy a car now mechanics?
Imagine a world were everybody must be expert in every item that buy in is life!

When i buy something i buy to use not to fix that item!
MAC works and i don't need to now how to fix or speed up! When someone make a PC like MAC i will buy it. Because i use this machine to work, i need a machine that is stable and i don't need to be expert on fix it. I prefer by expert in what i do!

If you like PC, please buy one! If you like Linux please buy one, if you like a mac please by one. But if you ask for opinions please respect the difference.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Pictures from earth
« on: January 05, 2009, 12:30 »
I dont want to download a picture from NASA and sell it.
But i think were did people that shell pictures like this Get the Earth image.


- no ctrl+x option (cut)

Try this keys = +x (cut), +c (copy), +v (paste)

And can i also suggest to try cyberduck (free ftp software)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Pictures from earth
« on: January 05, 2009, 05:38 »
I dont think that they will answer!!! " Stop right now that investigation on the rock from another planet and go answer right now to Paulo about the pictures that we take from Earth!" :)

General Stock Discussion / Pictures from earth
« on: January 05, 2009, 04:46 »
I need to now if i can use photos from NASA of the Earth (the globe) in stock!
I see a lot of stock photos with the globe in a hand or similar, and i like to now if that photo (the globe) came from NASA or is photoshop created.

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