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Messages - vectorsforall

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Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: August 17, 2021, 10:53 »
Here we go, Shitterstock team never stop the race to the bottom :
Neither they have not deleted the entire portfolio of the thief I have notified to them, but now he/she has put the files that they deleted again, and it's all online.
I've made again a DMCA notice with same dozens and dozens of duplicate files of my work because they did not delete his port.

And now in french (sorry):
J'en peux plus, je voudrais les avoir devant moi pour leur dfoncer la gueule!!!!

je suis vraiment dsol Vectorsforall.

I've been spending my summer taking down those thieves ( I know, it's sad) and was 95% successful in doing so, but I was fortunate that none of them are on shutterstock website. I had a few with Adobe stock. pond5 and Envato Videohive and it was super easy to process via email, resulting in takedown and full account closure in 1-2 days (not a big fan in using DMCA forms - don't really like giving those thief's my personnel information). for Amazon, it was relatively easy, but wish they made it a bit easier by taking the infringement asset down across the whole amazon domain range (right now you need to file one IP infringement per country, amazon.com, amazon.ca, amazon.co.uk, etc.....).   the only one that I have problem with are torrent sites and some servers in china (only reason is because I can't write in Chinese to make a formal complain). for those 2 type, I usually ask for help from Adobe, pond5 or Envato (but never shuttertstock - they are useless). 

the only outstanding site that I'm trying to take down at the moment is one that posted large image dumps with "proof of purchase" screengrab from shutterstock (the thief's are using it to show proof they purchased it if someone ask for it).  I notified shutterstock about 1.5 month ago and still didn't get any results (only an acknowledgement they received my email).

I feel Shutterstock takes a huge percentage of income from my images and videos and I don't really get much protection from them.

Cheers everyone :)
Thanks Motionjunky
Ideally, there would be something to do maybe with Stock Coalition, making a deal with dedicated attorneys that could sue and make a permanent work of watching thieves around platforms/world, but would be lots of energy, time and mostly $$

Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: August 17, 2021, 08:10 »
Here we go, Shitterstock team never stop the race to the bottom :
Neither they have not deleted the entire portfolio of the thief I have notified to them, but now he/she has put the files that they deleted again, and it's all online.
I've made again a DMCA notice with same dozens and dozens of duplicate files of my work because they did not delete his port.

And now in french (sorry):
J'en peux plus, je voudrais les avoir devant moi pour leur dfoncer la gueule!!!!

Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: August 03, 2021, 09:52 »
And after weeks of patience this is the answer oh these *insult removed* :

If you misrepresent that material is infringing, Shutterstock may terminate your Shutterstock account, or you may face other legal consequences.

Why don't they* do that to actual infringers also? And publicise that they're doing it?

*And all the other agencies/distributors.
Imagine the other way... I file a complaint, the account is shut down, while it's investigated. Would you like that? Guilty and convicted without any sort of fairness and trial? So the problem is, SS must have too many complaints stacked up and they are slow to complete the due diligence, before they can terminate someones source of income.

What's obvious for us, on the surface, has more complicated, legal implications. And they can't just close an account because of an accusation.

That's not what I meant.
They're saying they may take legal action over false accusations, to discourage people from making them.
Why don't they also take legal action over proven image theft? (to discourage people from doing it)

I found on of my BSs on iS on Flickr with some bloke claiming copyright. When I filled in the form to make a complaint, it said they would send the accusee my email address, which I thought was bizarre (but I sent a potentially throwaway addy). No word back, but there's a blank where the photo was and a note that it's under investigation for copyright infringement. (Maybe linking to my image on Getty scared them, or maybe it's automatic, but was blanked within 24 hrs.) This guy's whole port appears to be 'lifted', some with accreditation, most (that I checked) not.
And now more exciting news, guess what?:
1. They haven't suspended the thief's portfolio, they just deleted the images I listed to them and let the portfolio online, but better than that,
2. They have deleted my original images!!! and the duplicate online. They deserve a premium gold award for this, I can't believe it ! :-(
Any action with lawyer will take years, money, energy, and even if I delete my account, the duplicate portfolio will continue having a good time. Shutterstock is thievesland, a true paradise!
Reel Anger.... >{

This is why I believe that SS is trying to milk what they can. If they could act to remove your images from the thief's port, then they could have just as easily removed the port. That conscious decision tells me volumes about what SS is now all about.
Exactly! And soon they will just delete every contributors account with original creations and let the duplicate files on thieves ghosts portfolios (maybe they already own these) online, and here comes the money, as simply as that!

Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: August 03, 2021, 05:17 »
And after weeks of patience this is the answer oh these *insult removed* :

If you misrepresent that material is infringing, Shutterstock may terminate your Shutterstock account, or you may face other legal consequences.

Why don't they* do that to actual infringers also? And publicise that they're doing it?

*And all the other agencies/distributors.
Imagine the other way... I file a complaint, the account is shut down, while it's investigated. Would you like that? Guilty and convicted without any sort of fairness and trial? So the problem is, SS must have too many complaints stacked up and they are slow to complete the due diligence, before they can terminate someones source of income.

What's obvious for us, on the surface, has more complicated, legal implications. And they can't just close an account because of an accusation.

That's not what I meant.
They're saying they may take legal action over false accusations, to discourage people from making them.
Why don't they also take legal action over proven image theft? (to discourage people from doing it)

I found on of my BSs on iS on Flickr with some bloke claiming copyright. When I filled in the form to make a complaint, it said they would send the accusee my email address, which I thought was bizarre (but I sent a potentially throwaway addy). No word back, but there's a blank where the photo was and a note that it's under investigation for copyright infringement. (Maybe linking to my image on Getty scared them, or maybe it's automatic, but was blanked within 24 hrs.) This guy's whole port appears to be 'lifted', some with accreditation, most (that I checked) not.
And now more exciting news, guess what?:
1. They haven't suspended the thief's portfolio, they just deleted the images I listed to them and let the portfolio online, but better than that,
2. They have deleted my original images!!! and the duplicate online. They deserve a premium gold award for this, I can't believe it ! :-(
Any action with lawyer will take years, money, energy, and even if I delete my account, the duplicate portfolio will continue having a good time. Shutterstock is thievesland, a true paradise!
Reel Anger.... >{

Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: July 23, 2021, 12:01 »
I've just sent another DMCA notice with more than 20 products listed (original mine and duplicate thief)
Let's see how these professionals will answer

Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: July 23, 2021, 11:41 »
And after weeks of patience this is the answer oh these *insult removed* :


Thank you for your email. Our requirements for submitting Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") notices of infringement are below. You may send a proper notice in reply to this email.

If you misrepresent that material is infringing, Shutterstock may terminate your Shutterstock account, or you may face other legal consequences.

Infringement Notice Requirements:

1) A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

2) Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site.

3) Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the Shutterstock to locate the material.

4) Information reasonably sufficient to permit the Shutterstock to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted.

5) A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

6) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Only the copyright owner or their authorized representative may file a report of copyright infringement. If you believe content on Shutterstock infringes someone elses copyright, you may want to let the rights owner know.

Please note that we may provide the rights owners name, your email and the details of your report to the person who receives the complaint.

For more information, please review Shutterstock's DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice at: www.shutterstock.com/terms/dmca-notice.


Shutterstock Compliance Team"

We must waste time listing blatant thief's portfolio by checking one by one every single product duplicated.

Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: July 17, 2021, 12:31 »
11 days later still nothing and I found another thief's portfolio and again I send another DMCA notice.
Shitter is a thieves factory.
Not only they made big cut in our commissions without shame but also they are a heaven for thieves.
I'm starting considering closing my account even if I'm still doing some numbers there. Enough is enough

I have to ask, because this comes up fairly often, but how does closing your account and losing the income, change anything about the thieves or make SS more proactive in removing thieves? All it does is hurt you?

The crooks come from all agencies, steal from all kinds of places, and spread their copied images in many places. This isn't just a SS issue.

I don't know why they move so slowly, but at least, when a valid complaint is filed, we have seen the accounts removed.

Good work finding and reporting them!  :)

Good point ;-) My anger speaks for myself

Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: July 16, 2021, 11:19 »
11 days later still nothing and I found another thief's portfolio and again I send another DMCA notice.
Shitter is a thieves factory.
Not only they made big cut in our commissions without shame but also they are a heaven for thieves.
I'm starting considering closing my account even if I'm still doing some numbers there. Enough is enough

Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: July 05, 2021, 10:33 »
Still no answer nor action from Shitter, 2 DMCA notices posted june 24th.
they don't even care

Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: July 01, 2021, 02:07 »
Wow u found one. Give me 20 minutes and I can find at least 10!

What a stupid reply. He's just trying to be helpful.

Why don't they do anything?

I made a DMCA notice for both accounts I just found.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Sftp 10x slower than with Ftp
« on: June 30, 2021, 09:32 »
better security could mean slower speeds, and that make sense if you think about it

100% agree! But I guess I'm happy that all my port is already online and so not to have to upload my entire portfolio with Sftp speed  :P

Image Sleuth / Re: Another blatant thief at Shutterstock
« on: June 30, 2021, 03:03 »
I find this stuff simply by going on one of my products page and taking a look at 'similar products' below, and when I see a duplicate one I know I got the thief's portfolio

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Sftp 10x slower than with Ftp
« on: June 28, 2021, 12:14 »
A this point, it will take less time rendering my animations with Adobe Media Encoder than uploading them...  ???

Adobe Stock / Adobe Stock Sftp 10x slower than with Ftp
« on: June 28, 2021, 12:06 »
I've made the changes with my ftp client, switching to Sftp, but the speed is now way slower than before...
Any of you has the same experience ? Very frustrating.
Is it normal ?

Image Sleuth / Stolen Videos resold by thief
« on: June 24, 2021, 12:36 »
Absolut Thief, with many of my videos in his port  >:(


Check if you see one of yours...

I've made an infringement claim at Shitterstxck

I can upload the photos to Adobe stock through SFTP filezilla, but why my video cant? I cant see my video on the adobe stock web. Please help

It would be difficult to troubleshoot this here. Please submit a request for support via the contact us link found at the bottom of the Adobe Stock contributor portal.

Thank you,


Hi Mat,

is it normal that the speed with Sftp upload is way slower than with Ftp ?

Thanks for helping

i've just gone back to uploading on the site

Steve, did you have some of these same issues and finally get past them? If so, was there some magic button that worked for you? Some secret handshake?

If so, I'd appreciate knowing what you did. Thanks!

i'm not using ftp/ftp at all - just the drag/drop on the site itself - slower than ftp but i can be working elsewhere

For still images I strongly recommend using the drag and drop method. I only use SFTP for video uploads. We appreciate all the feedback here. Thank you!


I Mat, I've switched successfully to Sftp for my video uploads but the speed is ultra slow compared to Ftp. Is it normal ? Is there something to do to increase speed ?

Anyone has put something for sale on Gumroad.com ?
I have just put a few files, don't know what to expect...

Shutterstock.com / Re: Very low video sales
« on: March 02, 2021, 10:28 »
I stopped uploading ANYthing on SS since their commission robbery.
Now I don't sell more videos and I have a lot of $0,87 or $3,.. sales, and almost even no extended licenses anymore for vectors

I don't know if it's kind of a coincidence but I take it as if : very massive sales on P5 this month and last night amongst many 28 and sometimes 70 sales, 4x 175 on Adobe Stock! Farewell SS

I have done exactly the same thing, except I sell only Vectors and Photo's and sales have gone up on Adobe Stock.

SS sales are not only down, but of course so is the commission, last month was the first time in nine years that I didn't receive a payout.

I'm also very happy to sell recent videos on Adobe Stock at strong prices and knowing they are not (and will never be) on SS.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Very low video sales
« on: February 24, 2021, 09:18 »
I stopped uploading ANYthing on SS since their commission robbery.
Now I don't sell more videos and I have a lot of $0,87 or $3,.. sales, and almost even no extended licenses anymore for vectors

I don't know if it's kind of a coincidence but I take it as if : very massive sales on P5 this month and last night amongst many 28 and sometimes 70 sales, 4x 175 on Adobe Stock! Farewell SS

Whatever you call it. Green washing, pink washing, SJ washing and so on... Shitterstock

General Stock Discussion / Re: Cavan Images
« on: February 18, 2021, 13:48 »
Yep Cavan not Canva  :P

General Stock Discussion / Re: Cavan Images
« on: February 18, 2021, 11:58 »
I just applied with Cavan and realized after uploading 10 videos that they are content exclusive.
They have just accepted my content, so I asked them to delete my account via the 'contact us' page.
Hope I've not made a big mistake  :-\

Dear friends, any comments about such experience are welcome please...


Thanks for your help !

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