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Messages - derek

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Dreamstime.com / Re: Dead dead and dead
« on: November 10, 2018, 13:46 »
The old story!  the boss Achilles left or sold out and along comes the sheit trying to govern an agency!

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: November 10, 2018, 04:25 »
No Fotolia!!!!  I cant get in there at all now??  whats happening??

Fotolia is still up and running. You will have access until Nov 5, 2019. The features will be limited after February 5 but you will still be able to log in.

There should be a link to continue to Fotolia after you see the prompt to go to Adobe Stock instead.


Cheers! Matt!

Shutterstock.com / Re: No sales today
« on: November 10, 2018, 02:29 »
^^  Yes! but alive for tens of thousands of noobs and weekend snappers....There is absolutely no doubt that SS is finished as far as serious photography and earning money.
The heydays of Jon are long gone, the once so helpful and knowledgable Admin is replaced by suits and city-twatts knowing absolutely nothing about the creative world and even less about photography!but they are under the severe preassure of constantlly having to produce results for their shareholders no matter what.

I know so many people with ports of 20,30,40000 files in their portfolios and EVERY single one of them is down a staggering 70% and have been for over a year now!

The once so hailed and praised do good agency is today nothing more then a flea market ( people here thats been with them for 8 years or more know exactly what Im talking about)

Yeah and these weekend snappers will never reach payout as they'll get buried after a few sales... meaning that SS will get to keep the money  8)

Exactly!!  wonder how many millions they get from that alone, showing a good turnover!....all parts of the agenda of course!

Probably one of my mates here who started with Jon back in 2004!  69000 files. He is a single contributor and got myself interested back in late 2005. Although I'm not sure he is very active in micro-stock today? left this forum a few years back.

It's a question of "What else can they do?"

The SS has to compete with the also-ran sellers. If "We" the supplier stopped supporting the middle and low tier agencies we wouldn't have this problem. I just
sold a clip with SS and received $1.50.

And yes, I practice what I preach. The SS. IS and P5. That's it.

Come on! SS sets the mark!  have always done ever since they invented the crazy subs system! completely ruining the industry!

I just don't get why the SS inspection "service" is so unhelpful surely it would save them as well us time  us to tell people why the release was rejected instead of playing some guessing game.

Or you mean any rejection that gave a specific reason not, this or that or maybe something else? "Image is underexposed, overexposed, or was shot in unfavorable lighting conditions" Mostly I suspect unfavorable lighting will get the first two.  :)

Just had an iphone photo full size, rejected for, Noise / Artifacts / Film Grain: Image contains excessive noise, film grain, compression artifacts, and/or posterization. Not saying they are wrong, just that iPhone SE is not terrible, but if the light isn't bright enough, I'm going to get that rejection.

Yes I wish the model release rejections were specific for what part of the release was the problem. Too much mystery.

Simply because they dont give a f%&k!  never have done and never will do!

Print on Demand Forum / Re: Saatchi Art Hacked?
« on: November 09, 2018, 09:40 »
Haha!  well I once had a sale there for thousands of bucks and then nothing for years!  strange place!

Shutterstock.com / Re: No sales today
« on: November 09, 2018, 09:36 »
^^  Yes! but alive for tens of thousands of noobs and weekend snappers....There is absolutely no doubt that SS is finished as far as serious photography and earning money.
The heydays of Jon are long gone, the once so helpful and knowledgable Admin is replaced by suits and city-twatts knowing absolutely nothing about the creative world and even less about photography!but they are under the severe preassure of constantlly having to produce results for their shareholders no matter what.

I know so many people with ports of 20,30,40000 files in their portfolios and EVERY single one of them is down a staggering 70% and have been for over a year now!

The once so hailed and praised do good agency is today nothing more then a flea market ( people here thats been with them for 8 years or more know exactly what Im talking about)

Listen to Sean!  he's correct!

Shutterstock.com / Re: No sales today
« on: November 08, 2018, 14:09 »
Well??  had a single sale: $ 88.00 but apart from that just a few subs!

Shutterstock.com / Re: No sales today
« on: November 08, 2018, 10:33 »
I'm experiencing a very poor start to the month too..the few sales I've had have been of my better sellers... up till recently I was getting a lot of sales of my somewhat dubious older images that had never sold...I suspect a big change in the algorithm which may be working out badly for some of us.

You want to remove your portfolio!  dont you! ;D ;D
You seem to have some kind of cognitive dissonance issue here the only one suggesting pulling ports is you. I guess its not surprising when you make so many contradictory posts.

well mate what goes around comes around!  thats karma!

General Midstock / Re: OFFSET, image or series exclusive???
« on: November 08, 2018, 05:47 »
Westend is Ok but its still mainly a distributor and that means a 40-30-30 split and they are not having a very good placement at GI or Alamy etc, etc and then youre down to almost micro prices anyway. Check out BAPLA!  they have a whole list of trad RM agencies, many are highly niched ( which is good) because thats where the money is!

Shutterstock.com / Re: No sales today
« on: November 08, 2018, 03:50 »
I'm experiencing a very poor start to the month too..the few sales I've had have been of my better sellers... up till recently I was getting a lot of sales of my somewhat dubious older images that had never sold...I suspect a big change in the algorithm which may be working out badly for some of us.

You want to remove your portfolio!  dont you! ;D ;D

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: November 08, 2018, 03:27 »
No Fotolia!!!!  I cant get in there at all now??  whats happening??
I couldn't sign in right after this announcement , I had to agree to the new, updated TOS of FT first. Have you done that?

Dont know??  where did you see that? on the actual sign in inteface?

General Midstock / Re: OFFSET, image or series exclusive???
« on: November 08, 2018, 02:47 »
Forget it!  I did and so did most others!.......the way SS is going, haha!  well just imagine sticking RM images into their so called " top notch" agency! and on top of that exclusive images. Its all so pretentious!  like the EU: want everything and give nothing in return!

For exclusivity you want to join one of the long established Traditional agencies!

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: November 08, 2018, 02:34 »
No Fotolia!!!!  I cant get in there at all now??  whats happening??

General Stock Discussion / Re: Poor Shutterstock sales
« on: November 07, 2018, 03:11 »
Shutter has lost it's glitter! Adobe and Canva have gain market share so of course our sales are going to go down on Shutter...

plus 100%!   dead right!

Off Topic / Re: Stop The Hate - VOTE!
« on: November 07, 2018, 03:04 »
Not a fan of Trump and absolutely NOT Hillary but if I was american I would vote Republican!  the leftie/libs are as dizzy as a bunch of junkies!

Great post Mike!...I have even had agencies offering to buy the whole portfolio, only a few months back some clown obviously from some agency!...its all BS from the beginning to the end!

I tell you people and on this point i do agree with people like Laurin etc, etc. This business will just go further and further down the toilet until we start boycotting certain agencies who are the ultimate destroyers of this business!
You could make a start by pulling your port from Shutterstock.

Dont pull your port at Istock! rather let it hang in there and earn some money!...better you get something then nothing isnt it!
So I take it when you say "we" you actually mean everyone else? Or do you consider Istock one of the good guys?

Hahaha!  no agency are " good guys"  thats not business, thats not comme il faut, in business! but you should still leave your port, its earning something isnt it?
Absolutely but then I don't suggest boycotting sites
  Here is how a boycott works-- one person leaves and 10 other contributors replace them  8)

Actually boycotting did work extremely well with the Dollar Photo Club

Exactly!!  although these newbies wasnt around then!

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: November 06, 2018, 10:15 »
Matt!!   full credit to you mate!  when it comes to info and service towards contributors, you really outshine them all! :)

Great post Mike!...I have even had agencies offering to buy the whole portfolio, only a few months back some clown obviously from some agency!...its all BS from the beginning to the end!

I tell you people and on this point i do agree with people like Laurin etc, etc. This business will just go further and further down the toilet until we start boycotting certain agencies who are the ultimate destroyers of this business!
You could make a start by pulling your port from Shutterstock.

Dont pull your port at Istock! rather let it hang in there and earn some money!...better you get something then nothing isnt it!
So I take it when you say "we" you actually mean everyone else? Or do you consider Istock one of the good guys?

Hahaha!  no agency are " good guys"  thats not business, thats not comme il faut, in business! but you should still leave your port, its earning something isnt it?

Great post Mike!...I have even had agencies offering to buy the whole portfolio, only a few months back some clown obviously from some agency!...its all BS from the beginning to the end!

I tell you people and on this point i do agree with people like Laurin etc, etc. This business will just go further and further down the toilet until we start boycotting certain agencies who are the ultimate destroyers of this business!
You could make a start by pulling your port from Shutterstock.

Dont pull your port at Istock! rather let it hang in there and earn some money!...better you get something then nothing isnt it!

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: November 05, 2018, 15:18 »
I have synced and cant find my pictures, no portfolio, nothing?  I did sync some time back when they first merged!

Funny according to Adobe now I have zero images, zero sales and zero uploads and zero portfolio. Somethings gone wrong I recon!

You can only sync one time (the first time) so if you had already done so then what you just did was create a new account with a different Adobe ID. Please send a ticket to support and we can delete that account for you.


Thanks Matt!

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: November 05, 2018, 14:55 »
I have synced and cant find my pictures, no portfolio, nothing?  I did sync some time back when they first merged!

Funny according to Adobe now I have zero images, zero sales and zero uploads and zero portfolio. Somethings gone wrong I recon!

Yes you are https://stock.adobe.com/contributor/211455/christian42?load_type=author&prev_url=detail maybe you forgot what name you were? LOL  ;D

Thanks Pete!  appreciate it!  haha!  yeah not far from it! ;D

Its a pity this!  I found the fotolia interface really good!  easy to manage etc!

Adobe Stock / Re: Important Fotolia Announcement
« on: November 05, 2018, 14:09 »
I have synced and cant find my pictures, no portfolio, nothing?  I did sync some time back when they first merged!

Funny according to Adobe now I have zero images, zero sales and zero uploads and zero portfolio. Somethings gone wrong I recon!

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