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Messages - obj owl

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Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 28, 2020, 11:34 »
Adobe!  well here is a golden opportunity for them to play for first place so drop all skewed algorithm's and go for it!..but they won't they will probably not even realize the chance they have. Too close to home I recon.

Adobe will be under a lot of pressure if Shutterstock and Istock have a discounting war to regain market share. Just not letting them do it with your content will ease the burden a touch on Adobe.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 27, 2020, 08:40 »
Regarding to subscription sales, that always was main sale; we never was paid based on the subscription package that buyer buy. There are 4 subscrption packetes:

10 images for 49usd (Packet 1 or P1)
50 images for 125usd (Packet 2 or P2)
350 images for 199usd (Packet 3 or P3)
750 images for 249usd (Packet 4 or P4)

Based on this and the % presented for SS the earnings per sale under new criteria is:

Level 1   0,74 usd(P1) ---- 0,38 usd(P2) ---- 0,09 usd(P3) ---- 0,05 usd(P4)
Level 2   0,98 usd(P1) ---- 0,50 usd(P2) ---- 0,11 usd(P3) ---- 0,07 usd(P4)
Level 3   1,23 usd(P1) ---- 0,63 usd(P2) ---- 0,14 usd(P3) ---- 0,08 usd(P4)
Level 4   1,47 usd(P1) ---- 0,75 usd(P2) ---- 0,17 usd(P3) ---- 0,10 usd(P4)
Level 5   1,72 usd(P1) ---- 0,88 usd(P2) ---- 0,20 usd(P3) ---- 0,12 usd(P4)
Level 6   1,96 usd(P1) ---- 1,00 usd(P2) ---- 0,23 usd(P3) ---- 0,13 usd(P4)

Thanks for calculating that out.  it looks like the left two columns will be more than our current rates and the right two less than our current rate.  Now we just need to know what % of sales are the right two columns 🤔

I feel the least they could do is have a rolling 12 month level system - nothing like demotivating people by taking away rewards / levels they've worked hard to achieve over the previous years.

With all the upset people, this is the perfect storm for Adobe to swoop in with a sweat exclusive offering.

Discounting 50% in January would make them figures look optimistic.  Would a prepaided yearly pack sold in January at a heavily discounted price give you 15% for those sales throughout the year?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 27, 2020, 08:15 »
Shutterstock have always been big on market share, which appears to be diminishing. This new payment system gives them the ability to discount heavily, as it did for Istock when they introduced percentage based subs. If they manage to get it right and they do increase their market share it will be at the expense of other agencies, we will be cannibalising those sales for increased sales, but less income at Shutterstock.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: May 26, 2020, 18:35 »
This is pathetic. So at the beginning of every year they get to make serious bank off of contributors backs by dropping everyone to the lowest pay level.

Unbelievable.  >:(
I just sent them a reply to that email congratulating them on their decision. They will lose their best contributors.

If by best you mean those that sell the most I think you will find they will be more than happy about the situation. They get an initial boost from now until January by the end of which the will be back up to the top band.  They sell most of the content and make most of the money and now they will make more.

Print on Demand Forum / Re: POD Sites in 2020?
« on: April 15, 2020, 15:22 »
They are the store, they should be bringing in buyers/.

They do, their advertising is aimed at people who upload their own images to put on a t shirt or mug or anything else they can print on.
If you want to sell on their sites you need to promote it and some will pay you more to do that.

Crestock.com / Re: Crestok has just filed for bankruptcy
« on: April 10, 2020, 06:13 »
Masterfile the owners of Crestock still have Crestock files up for sale.  At a guess, sales at Masterfile would have gone into Masterfile pockets and commissions out of Crestock, win/win the robbing feckers.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Coronavirus ?
« on: March 22, 2020, 15:36 »
According to the site worldmeters the global percentage of deaths is 13% of all closed cases.


Currently there are countries where the number of deaths surpasses by a a huge amount the recovered cases like US, UK or Netherlands.

And then there's the differences in the way each country counts the deaths. In some countries people dying at home will not be subjected to autopsy, and will only be investigated if it has any relation to a known case of coronavirus. So, many deaths by this virus will not be counted because at the time of death it wasn't diagnosed with the virus or anyone close to it.

This means that the death toll could be much higher than official number will record.

Absolutely correct. There are people who have the virus with no signs, (passing it on to more people) there are some with minor problems, and they might never be tested or counted. There are people staying at home, who don't have the virus, but think they have, who also won't be tested.

There could be deaths that also aren't counted.

That's why I keep saying, we don't actually know. Too early to have any valid numbers and agreeing with what you say, we might never know absolute factual details. But the best information will be after the pandemic is over, not now when there hasn't been a peak yet.


Currently .05% of confirmed cases result in death. .28% are recovered. Way to early to know anything. This is still exploding, numbers climbing, and we haven't seen the amount of destruction that will follow.

Watch that total confirmed cases number, it's going to be exponential as more are infected and more testing is available. I hate to say this, but looking at a month, before a peak, might be optimistic. Way too early to make any intelligent scientific predictions.

They are bringing out an antibody test to test for those who have had it, I think it was pushed out quick because it would be useful for herd immunity theory.  Anyway, we should have better figures when it's done, but current estimates from China suggest 1.4%, but other countries may do better for having prior warning if they managed to flatten the curve and not overload their health systems.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Coronavirus ?
« on: March 20, 2020, 13:18 »
You can ignore the confirmed cases numbers because the UK has also pretty much not been testing compared to lot of other countries. Another thing the WHO was pleading with them to do more of.
Testing regimes vary widely so I think its probably an unreliable statistic for comparison. Its probably something that can't keep pace while the cases are accelerating. Its accepted in the UK that only those that have potentialy serious effects are being tested. If we have mild indications we are just told to self isolate.

Good points both. China just said "no new cases reported" Which the last word is most important. Plus what both of you pointed out, if someone isn't tested, they aren't confirmed. Self Quarantine in home if you suspect you have the virus, is a good plan, but none of those are counted.

Please folks, stop blaming, accusing, and debating politics, and stick to the virus COVID-19 problem?

Or maybe blame the cause, which seems to be ignored and some are defending, poor sanitary conditions, open markets with animal slaughtering. We can't call this the Wuhan virus, because we're all being politically correct? Yet, there's a never ending attack on just about any leaders or people in power, now "capitalism". LOL

COVID-19 came from China (a Communist country by the way), wet market, where they slaughter live animals in public. And now people are calling for Trump, Putin, Boris and others to fall because of that? Some are blaming humans for being on the planet, global warming, and the vegetarians even more the uppity self-righteous Vegans who blame anyone who eats meat. I read how God is punishing us, how this is a plot, blaming the East, The West or someone else, depending on where the person lives or their political leanings.

What I'm asking it this. Can we stop the endless, useless, politics and blame? COVID-19 is here. Attacking others, other countries, or leaders isn't doing anything but create division and anger, when we need to be more together. Blame or hate is not a cure for anything.

I am not a fan of China and often have a pop at them, but they did what you want us to do, they got the people together to fight this as one. Sure they have the propaganda machine for it, but few other countries leaders have come close and some have only self preservation as a motive to do anything.  If you want to close down debate and opinion we cannot move towards your goal of healing divisions and moving forward as one, things will just fester.

Stay the feck away from people and this will be over in no time.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Coronavirus ?
« on: March 17, 2020, 16:57 »
We had that big problem. People from infected areas, Madrid, moving free around the country (like Spring holidays) and spreading the virus everywhere, like the italian tourists before them.

In my region we had a few cases until that, until the holidays from Madrid and the returned students from that area. Some deads here are linked to that.

These people should be jailed.

Agreed. If they knowingly do it it's a form of manslaughter in my books. It most cases, we're our own worst enemies. If people stick to the rules, which will be short term in the greater scheme of things, then we can get through this quicker! My fear is to begin with there will be a lot of people with the, "It's all nonsense!" attitude. It's these people that will do the most damage.

There seems to be a contradiction in what you say above and your previous post #67.  Boris and his two sidekick scientist are allowing free movement and large gatherings, keeping schools, pubs, clubs and theaters open knowing the virus will be spread far and wide.  Should they be charged with manslaughter?  They have not been testing so they cannot be accused of knowing the scale of the problem, is that their defense?

Cameras? Photos are a dead horse (unless you are a very talented guy),
but...what about illustrators or motion designers? CG is everywhere,
but it's not so easy, you need to learn very complex softwares, years of practise, and a bit of talent.
Technology is evolving, microstock is evolving, face it. :)

Time is the most expensive item. Still images and videos are not interchangeable.

There used to be a lot of Facebook ads with videos but there are less of them now. Because people don't have time to spend watching them. And then those short title animations, how many of them are needed? One, one per story.

You also can't have all of them animated at the same time on the web page. Because they will look super annoying and distracting. It's the reason YouTube uses still thumbnails instead of animated ones.

Of course, videos have a place in the media but still images are the main things. More demand in still images and also more supply, less demand in videos and also less supply, and a bit higher price for video because of higher cost, simple as that.

Bragging about this is very childish.

She/he is right though, there is little now that can't be done on a computer without the limitations of light, location, models, makeup, props etc. It's not the future anymore it's here and it will swamp microstock in the years to come.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Coronavirus ?
« on: March 14, 2020, 19:33 »
Also in lockdown in Spain, it's bonkers how serious it's suddenly got. No going out unless completely necessary.
Just got to sit it out and try to slow it down as much as poss for the health services to be able to cope. And put up with a bored teenager in house ::)
I hope UK closes schools etc down soon. In the beginning I thought they were right about waiting but now I think they need to and quickly.
I don't have the option of staying in, I share the care of my chairbound mother with my sister. I live c40 miles away (two trains and a bus in each direction), she lives c25 miles away. Although she has carers going in four times a day, we are really worried about what will happen if there's a lockdown - the carers don't do e.g. food shopping, washing (of which there is a full load, almost every day), emptying bins etc.
Of course, we don't want to catch the disease and spread it to her, or anyone else, during the incubation period, . Footbumps, no hugs, and blown kisses.

If they close down schools etc, who will look after the children of health / care workers? Some may live near family who are able and willing to help, some may not. So do they stay off their vital work to look after their kids, or informally make arrangements for them to be looked after in groups?
I'm glad I'm not making these decisions. I think there is a case for the concept of 'herd immunity' to prevent a major re-infection next winter, and for slowing down the virus so that the health services can cope with the most vulnerable. But there are so many factors to consider, and the scientists are still learning how this virus behaves. And I am not a scientist.
Sorry to hear your problems Sue. Give your mother a big wide smile from me the next time you see her and tell her she has hundreds of MSGers thinking of her :)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Coronavirus ?
« on: March 14, 2020, 19:29 »
Also in lockdown in Spain, it's bonkers how serious it's suddenly got. No going out unless completely necessary.
Just got to sit it out and try to slow it down as much as poss for the health services to be able to cope. And put up with a bored teenager in house ::)
I hope UK closes schools etc down soon. In the beginning I thought they were right about waiting but now I think they need to and quickly.
I don't have the option of staying in, I share the care of my chairbound mother with my sister. I live c40 miles away (two trains and a bus in each direction), she lives c25 miles away. Although she has carers going in four times a day, we are really worried about what will happen if there's a lockdown - the carers don't do e.g. food shopping, washing (of which there is a full load, almost every day), emptying bins etc.
Of course, we don't want to catch the disease and spread it to her, or anyone else, during the incubation period, . Footbumps, no hugs, and blown kisses.

If they close down schools etc, who will look after the children of health / care workers? Some may live near family who are able and willing to help, some may not. So do they stay off their vital work to look after their kids, or informally make arrangements for them to be looked after in groups?
I'm glad I'm not making these decisions. I think there is a case for the concept of 'herd immunity' to prevent a major re-infection next winter, and for slowing down the virus so that the health services can cope with the most vulnerable. But there are so many factors to consider, and the scientists are still learning how this virus behaves. And I am not a scientist.

They can keep schools open just to look after all the essential service workers children. I don't get herd immunity. Seems like a good idea until you combine it with herd mentality. People aren't going to do what the government wants, as we've seen with almost all sport being cancelled. Getting a lot of people infected is going to cause a panic. One of those ideas that works well in theory but they are already seeing it fails in practice. It also seems to be the opposite way almost all the other worlds leading scientists are advising. So many scientists are working flat out on this, they may well have better treatments for the outbreak after this one and they will know much more about what they're dealing with.

I think we may have heard the last of Herd Immunity for a while.  The concept may live on or at least the sensible parts or it.

Matt Hancock the Secretary State for Health tweeted NEWS: My Telegraph article on the next stage of our #coronavirus plan: We must all do everything in our power to protect lives

only problem it was behind a paywall and nobody outside the Tory faithful could read it without paying premium prices. A shitstorm erupted on twitter and the Telegraph lifted the paywall. This is his article https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2020/03/14/must-do-everything-power-protect-lives/?WT.mc_id=tmgliveapp_iosshare_At9w8jYPvkKQ

The first line
" We have a plan, based on the expertise of world-leading scientists. Herd immunity is not a part of it. That is a scientific concept, not a goal or a strategy. Our goal is to protect life from this virus, our strategy is to protect the most vulnerable and protect the NHS through contain, delay, research and mitigate."

These people should not be running a corner shop let alone a government. I hope he got paid well for his article publishing Health Department information.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Coronavirus ?
« on: March 14, 2020, 12:09 »
Politics, economy, markets, is for later. The sooner you understand the sooner you think about not putting the person in front at risk. Now, nothing else matters but stopping the contagion. In a few days, what you know, your routine will disappear, your life will not be the same. It will be seen if there are cruises and sales when the epidemic expires, but now, don't infect anyone is the goal, not infect anyone. Do it for others. Each must be responsible for not infecting the rest.

From Spain.

Edited to wish everyone luck. Lots, lots, lots of luck.

If only that was true for all of us, here we are expected to acquire immunity by catching it. I don't understand why the rest of the world had not isolated us yet.

Good luck to you also,


Wondering how microstock sites such as Getty/istock will be affected by the coronavirus.

The sites will be fine it's not an electronic virus.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Coronavirus ?
« on: March 12, 2020, 09:23 »
Too early to know the medium/long term effect.  China are now getting essential workers back just over 100 days after the first case.  No knowing if they will have a second wave of infections as predicted by some or they could return to normal in another 100 days.  Then again if it's true that there are more than one strain and it mutates freely it could run around the world a number of times.

Would it be a good idea to get it early while they still have some respirators available?  Looks like they are going for a cull in the UK.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Coronavirus ?
« on: March 11, 2020, 11:36 »
One item they have found to be true about this virus. China's rate of smokers is four to one over western countries. Italy has a high rate of smokers in that country. Korea and Japan also has a much higher population of smokers than America. No tobacco dose not cause this virus but it may have a huge effect on the population recovering from the virus.

Conversely, there is a lot lower obesity (another high risk factor) in those countries, whereas western countries it is at epidemic proportions in ageing populations.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Opting out of images sales altogether
« on: March 02, 2020, 17:50 »
What's the difference between opt out and deleting? Does that mean, e.g. if you are licensing an RF image in an RM way - e.g. giving a direct client a one-year exclusive license - you can opt out and leave the image there and then opt in again? Or, in your case, trying iStock exclusive and keeping portfolio on ss hidden so you can c=go back if you change your mind without re-uploading?

No, when you opt out of sales all you images are effected. 
Shutterstock ? This allows us to license your images to customers. Contributors should only select No in very rare instances such as waiting for an exclusivity clause with another party to end.

I have turned them off in the past for a few weeks to no ill effect.

Adobe Stock / Re: Hand Washing Search
« on: March 02, 2020, 17:36 »
Some inspiration from Iran scroll down for the classical one it's a classic.

General - Top Sites / Re: Frustrated with Shutterstock reviewers
« on: February 26, 2020, 09:21 »
Perhaps they could use AI on large existing approved library in order to learn with no side effects, also evaluate, spot copiers, perhaps even irrelevant tagging etc etc Guess it is logic to protest for AI errors but an improved AI would be a really useful tool to clear libraries in the future.?

In regards to search they have talked about their Machine Learning capabilities for many years, which gives you all you ask for and more, but which they choose not to use for those purposes. 

General - Top Sites / Re: Frustrated with Shutterstock reviewers
« on: February 26, 2020, 07:16 »
Sometimes my pictures go to AI. A few seconds and rejections. Sometimes go to humans. More time and almost no rejections, but they are helped by AI too.

Is that a fact? Then what happens when I get accepted in a few seconds, is that AI too?

Do you have an inside source at SS that gave you this information?

It is a fact that AI is used in the review process, inside source Jon Oringer, 2016 Annual Report.  As far as I am aware the annual report is a legal document and falsehoods would be frowned upon, therefore I take it as fact.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Say Bye to Opting-Out
« on: February 25, 2020, 08:01 »
   Enhanced Licenses allow customers to use your content in high-profile projects, such as film and television, incorporation into merchandise for sale, wall art for commercial spaces, and print runs over 500,000.
I get why we opt out from sensitive use, I did it too. But why opt out from Enhanced Licenses? What's wrong with those? Customers pay good money for those and let them use as they want. What is it I missed? It's not a rhetoric question, I really want to know.
IIRC, SS tried to bully 'encourage' people into accepting sensitive use by lumping it together with enhanced licences. If you opted out of SU, you weren't eligible for ELs.

Sensitive use and enhanced licenses have always had separate opt outs. If you opted out of sensitive use you effectively opted out of SODs, which could be the biggest payers.

Downloads from the U.S. have been few and far between since June last year, not that they ever reached much more than a third at best, but they did provide most of the SODs and Enhanced, which means my earnings are shot.

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy Sold
« on: February 12, 2020, 15:08 »

Here's something that could change? Buyers pay in advance! No more waiting, self reporting or chasing slow to pay accounts. And I wouldn't mind more distribution of News and Editorial images to more media outlets. I can hope for some small positive changes, can't I?


You think there is a possibility that Alamy are going to chase newspapers that own Alamy for money owing so that we can be payed sooner?

As for the rest the stable door has been shut after horse has bolted.  They got Alamy to reduce commissions nearer to industry standards before they dotted the Is and crossed the Ts on the deal.

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy Sold
« on: February 11, 2020, 18:41 »
That 20% drop in commission must have made them very tasty.  What's the going rate for an Alamy these days?

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