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Messages - Brian O'Shea
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« on: March 06, 2013, 21:51 »
Sweet! I could probably have a few beers and maybe a few brauts. 
Do I need a badge?
No prob if you don't have a badge. If it gets swamped we may ask for a passcode which we'll share out on the @VeerIdeas twitterfeed. I can update this post with it as well. Or... just look for me (beard, glasses) and give me a shout.
« on: March 06, 2013, 19:17 »
Hi All - If any of you will be in Austin for SXSWi - we'd love to meet you at Frank (4th and Colorado) from 11a-1p this Saturday the 9th. Join me and other members of the Veer team for (free) hot dogs and beer, and some Veer merch giveaways. Plus it will be a chance to get a sneak peek of some stuff we are working on.  You can follow us on twitter @VeerIdeas or @VeerContributor for other giveaways during the show, or by checking #VeerSXSW2013 http://www.veer.com/more/skinny/sxsw-2013/Cheers, - Brian
« on: June 15, 2012, 11:10 »
Looks good, can't find any of my images on Alamy anymore other than those under my regular Alamy pseudo...
We've confirmed with our contacts at Alamy that all Veer content has indeed now been pulled. Thanks for your patience. - Brian
« on: May 31, 2012, 10:57 »
We will be working with Alamy to halt loading, and remove all content loaded to Alamy from Veer.
We apologize for the frustration this has caused our community, and the undue delays and lack of clarity in communication while we untangle this. More details to come.
« on: May 25, 2012, 19:03 »
Hi All -
We behind the scenes at Veer strive for clear and proactive communication with our contributor community. And that has not been the case here. At all.
Our apologies. We understand your frustrations at not only the situation, but the poor communication. We are working towards resolution - we are still in the process of considering and implementing options. We plan to provide more solid details on the solution to this next week.
Those that are sticking it out thanks for bearing with us: we greatly appreciate your patience.
- Brian
« on: May 18, 2012, 09:19 »
Hi All
We are currently working with Alamy to find a solution to this situation.
For more context here, we are regularly seeking ways to increase sales of your images through new agency relationships such as the one we've recently launched with Alamy. These agencies offer additional exposure and access to different markets beyond that offered thru Veer.com.
Clearly, creating duplicates is not good business for any of us: for you, for us, or for our partners. We will be providing additional details on this, and other partnerships soon.
- Brian
« on: March 07, 2012, 12:30 »
curious, nothing for more than a day (Portugal)
Hi Luis - Sorry to hear you are having trouble. The site is up-and-running. Can you clarify what you are seeing on your end? Are you getting an error page? - Brian
« on: February 01, 2012, 13:49 »
Hi wut - Sorry to hear you are having trouble - those upload issues you are having sound unusual. Can you drop us a line at our help alias: [email protected]? That way we can get some additional information and work with you to sort this out. - Brian
« on: January 06, 2012, 20:05 »
Hi Alexmk Uh-oh. Let's take a look. It's generally best to email us at [email protected] if you run into problems. I'll go ahead and drop you a direct message here to get further details so we can troubleshoot. - Brian
« on: January 06, 2012, 12:40 »
Hi Everyone -
Heads-up: our Tech team will be taking the Veer site, including contributor.veer.com, down for a bit of maintenance later today: Friday January 6th from approximately 6-7PM PST (or Saturday January 7th 02-03 UTC, 03-04 CET)
We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope this notice gives you time to adjust your workflows accordingly.
- Brian
« on: December 17, 2011, 19:11 »
Glad to be back Rubyroo! I'll post a "hi again!" message on here soon.
Thanks everyone for your patience with our outage today - things are all back up and running. Let us know if you see anything amiss.
- Brian
« on: December 17, 2011, 15:17 »
Thanks StockCube - good suggestion. We'll add GMT for future outage or timing notifications.
Just an update: we are still tightening some bolts behind the scenes and expect to keep the site down a bit longer. We'll update this post and our Twitterfeed (@VeerContributor) when we finish maintenance and are live.
- Brian
« on: January 31, 2011, 12:38 »
Thanks for all the kind words. Much appreciated. I'll be sure to check-in here occasionally, and would love to keep in touch. This community has been a big part of my life these past years. You can also be sure I aim to 'shake it up' over in the traditional space as jbarber873 mentioned! One of these days I'll finish up development on my own portfolio site: www.brianoshea.com --- I'll post a note when I finally do.  Take care and happy shooting (err, more like "happy video-ing" for many of you these days...), - Brian
« on: January 27, 2011, 16:00 »
Hi All
Im proud of where weve taken things on Veer over the past couple of years. Weve completed the transition from a premium RF and RM agency to offering a full slate of prices and content across the RF spectrum. With your help, we made 2010 a great year for our UGC collection and contributors tons of new content and contributors from our massive Dash for Cash program, an improved royalty and stats display, we held our first Photo Op shoot event, and then ended the year strong by catching up on the review queue.
With a great year behind us and another great year ahead - its now time to pass the torch. Im moving into a new role at Corbis, and will be helping to build out an online contributor platform for our macrostock (traditional stock) users.
I will be passing the reigns of managing our microstock community and the UGC editing team over to Chelsey Schaffel and want to give you a heads-up. Chelsey has been our Content Curator, and has been at Veer for many years as a Researcher and an Editor. Shes got a great eye for photography and design, and the strategic vision to push things forward from here on out. In short shes really awesome. Shell be stepping in soon to introduce herself here.
Beyond Chelsey, the great team we have in place behind-the-scenes here stays the same. Ryan will continue to be your go to guy for support and will continue to answer questions in email and on the forums. Youll be taken care of with a passionate crew who are dedicated to great imagery.
Ive loved getting to know many of you. I look forward to watching continued awesomeness happening at Veer and across the microstock and MSG communities.
If you want to keep in touch you can find me on Twitter: twitter.com/BrianOShea
- Brian OShea
« on: January 13, 2011, 19:40 »
« on: January 13, 2011, 19:39 »
Hi All - You may have noticed we made some enhancements to the Royalty Summary on your Dashboard page today: Pending Payments and Past Payments. We hope these additions make it easier to understand how much you're owed, and see what you've earned previously. Pending Payments:Under the Current Balance column, there is now a Pending Payment field. At month end processing - if your Unpaid Earnings have surpassed the $100 threshold, those earnings will hop over into the Pending Payment field and the Unpaid Earnings balance resets to $0 . The Pending Payment will then automatically be deposited into your PayPal or Payoneer account on or about the 15th of the current month (withholding taxes deducted as applicable). Once we submit to PayPal or Payoneer, the Pending Payment value resets to zero and the cycle refreshes. Past Payments:We have also added a new section, Past Payments. If you want to see previous royalty payments, hit the "Click to Show Payment History button". The 3 most recent payments will be shown, and you can also open your entire history. You can export this record to .CSV as well for tracking in Excel or Numbers. Thanks for your feedback concerning needed improvements to the Dashboard. We hope this makes it easier to see what you are owed and what you were paid. Let us know (at [email protected]) if you have any questions/comments on the update. Thanks, - Brian
« on: December 15, 2010, 15:00 »
Off-topic - but, as you're around at the moment Brian. I'm not complaining, but just wondered if it was possible to get some idea of review queue turnaround just now? Is the average six weeks, three months etc.?
Hi rubyroo - No worries - we're making a big push now to get as caught up as we can before the end of the year. Right now it's been averaging ~30-40 days, though we are working through some of those oldest batches now. We aim to get this down to 7-10 days as soon as we can. You should see good progress being made on your pending files over the next few weeks. - Brian
« on: December 15, 2010, 14:58 »
Hi Brian,
Possible to feedback that let's veer system to generate the 5400 maximum size raster jpg based on eps we uploaded?
It takes a lot time to re-generate those eps and tag keywords?
if veer can generate it based on eps we uploaded, i am sure there are more uploadings and happy experience. thanks.
Hi MKTang - Great question. We have looked at that - but as we are regenerating a high-res for existing content in a pretty manual way, (we just don't find the automated ways to create very satisfactory results) we don't think this would be very feasible for us to do on a regular/daily basis going forward. To help though - we can talk to Shawn Haskell about possibly creating an action or droplet that makes it easier and faster for you. - Brian
« on: December 15, 2010, 14:51 »
Veer is doing a great job clearing their backlog. Just had all my waiting files inspected over the past several days. Thanks a lot guys! 
You're welcome! Our editors are working hard to catch-up as much as we can before the New Year.
« on: December 13, 2010, 18:49 »
- Our team will regenerate new previews and JPEG derivatives from all existing vector content currently on the site. Were midway through that process now.
Hey Brian,
I'm glad to hear this news about the jpg sizes being imminent. Can I hopefully assume that my existing previews that have been regenerated before, but not entirely successfully, will appear correctly after this new regeneration is complete?
Hi Whatalife -  I'll double-check, but my understanding is that new previews will be generated for all existing vectors (along with the full slate of JPEGs for customers as well). - Brian
« on: December 13, 2010, 17:06 »
« on: December 13, 2010, 17:05 »
Hi All This past weekend we pushed a release live on Veer that includes enhancements on both the customer and contributor sides of the site. For customers: - New contextual FAQs to aid customers across the site - Search enhancements to improve performance - New search sort option: Price: Highest to Lowest - A new Free landing page aggregating our free content like images and illustrations of the week, wallpapers, screensavers and more For contributors: - New footer on contributor pages with shortcuts to key areas of the site - Updated vector upload workflow: Weve altered the vector upload workflow so that we can support offering customers a full-slate of rasterized JPEGs in addition to your .EPS vector. This was something many of you, and many of our customers, have been waiting for. This means that your original .EPS vector file and a full suite of JPEG sizes from XS to XXL will be presented together to the customer on a single product detail page. This is important - customers will now have the option to pick the file format and size that works best for them. To support this, the new vector upload requirements are as follows: We have moved away from the automated preview generation tool that caused wonky previews for some of you. As the best quality vector previews come straight from the source - you - we are now requiring you to supply a high-res JPEG for each .EPS vector. We know this requires a workflow change, but this is needed to ensure very high quality customer facing previews and JPEG derivatives. - The JPEG version must have the same file name as the .EPS vector (eg: mycoolvector.jpg, mycoolvector.eps) - The longest side of the JPEG version must be at least 4900pixels. We recommend 5400pixels or more to ensure very high quality previews and JPEG derivatives. - IPTC metadata continues to be read from the JPEG file (if embedded) - Our team will regenerate new previews and JPEG derivatives from all existing vector content currently on the site. Were midway through that process now. Our own Shawn Haskell has prepared a screencast walking through the best way to output a JPEG from Illustrator, and how to upload it onto our site take a look: http://ideas.veer.com/post/11306 - Brian
« on: December 13, 2010, 13:04 »
when i try to upload, the jpg preview uploaded together with eps is always rejected, and the message is the jpg is too small, but it is 4000x4000 pixels..
Hi - We did make some changes on the vector upload process over the weekend. I'll be posting some news on this release, including a new walkthrough tutorial video from Shawn later today. To keep you moving in the meantime though - the new JPEG version requirement is 4900px + . A large JPEG file is required for not only the preview, but also to support a full-slate of rasterized JPEG versions of each vector that will be made available to the customer. Additionally - JPEGs are now required - we are moving away from the automated preview system that whatalife referenced. More to come... - Brian - Brian
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