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Author Topic: A list of partner programs  (Read 327391 times)

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« on: April 06, 2011, 17:08 »
In the short time that Ive been reading the MSG Ive noticed that people are constantly asking who is this company, how did they get my images and are they legit?  Generally it turns out to be a partner of some sort, but there is no central list of partners, so I thought Id start one. 

Im going to classify as a partner anyone that has a relationship with a microstock company that results in that company appearing to have our images for sale or use.     

Ive listed the micros that Ive been following, and the partners that Ive identified (or have been suggested/claimed to be a partner), with a link to a confirmation or at least a discussion of the partner and its relationships to one of the micros.  Im not following everyone and Im sure Ive missed lots of stuff, so Id welcome your input.

1-27-13 - Sorry not to update sooner, but I'm no longer able to post process/upload stock (wrist problems) so I don't come here all that often.  Given that its 10 months since my last update and I could only find 2 new items to add, not sure that I'll make any more updates to this list. 
Opt out possible?  Yes - http://www.microstockgroup.com/123royaltyfree-com/opting-out-of-api-partner-sales/
Feebdesign/stockphoto.feebdesign.com - Per nata_rass in post #66 of this thread
Hemistock.com - Per nata_rass in post #66 of this thread
Glowimages.com - Per Noedelhap in post #119 of this thread. see http://www.glowimages.com/home-stock-photography-microstock/index.html
Inmagine.com - Owns 123RF - Reply #20 below by Newsfocus1
Magnetqueen - http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/magnetqueen-anyone-heard-of-it-legit/
Moodboard - http://www.microstockgroup.com/123royaltyfree-com/latest-newsletter-from-123rf/
Notforzombies - http://www.microstockgroup.com/general-stock-discussion/not-for-zombies/
Ooopic.com - http://www.microstockgroup.com/image-sleuth/ooopic-com-tuke135-partner-site/
Panthermedia - http://www.microstockgroup.com/panthermedia-net/panthermedia-relaunch-(press-release)/msg232511/
Photogenic - http://www.microstockgroup.com/veer-marketplace/veer-reseller-api/
Pinterest* - http://www.microstockgroup.com/image-sleuth/game-over-pinterest-pirates-gets-100-million-$-!/msg256132/
profimedia.cz - per jsnover in post #129 of this thread.Reflexstock - http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/reflex-stock/
Qianwenhua.com/ Front Foto - http://www.microstockgroup.com/image-sleuth/is-this-a-partner-or-what
Stocklib by Epictura - Per my post #46 in this thread
Stockpodium - http://www.microstockgroup.com/123royaltyfree-com/problem-with-(new)-123rf-partner/
Zcool - http://www.123rf.com/blog/blog.php?idblog=b1000237&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

Pixmac - Terminated Jan 27, 2011 - http://www.microstockgroup.com/123royaltyfree-com/123rf-serves-termination-notice-to-pixmac/
Pond5 - ended by early February, 2013 - http://www.microstockgroup.com/pond5/question-17280/msg296812/#msg296812

Opt out possible?  yes
Caf Press - https://www.bigstockphoto.com/partners/
Crystalgraphics.com - http://www.bigstockphoto.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4559&p=20567&hilit=crystalgraphics.com#p20567
Emma - https://www.bigstockphoto.com/partners/
Flash Templates - http://www.microstockgroup.com/bigstock-com/87-cent-commission/
Frontfoto -  http://image.qianwenhua.com/ 
Media bakery/ colossus - still active? - http://submit.shutterstock.com/forum/abt93850-0-asc-0.html
Pinterest* - http://www.microstockgroup.com/general-stock-discussion/pinterest-finding-a-loophole/msg249065/
PixelLogo - http://www.microstockgroup.com/bigstock-com/87-cent-commission/

Pixmac canceled at some point

Opt out possible?  ???
Fotosearch - Owns Canstock - http://www.microstockgroup.com/canstockphoto-com/canstock-portfolio-on-fotosearch/
Gograph.com Per luissantos84 in post #98 of this thread
Reflexstock - http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/reflex-stock/
Value Stock Images - owned by Fotosearch, confirmed by sitemail

Opt out possible?  Yes
clashot.com - Owned by Depositphotos.  Editorial images only.  http://clashot.com/manual.html
ibudgetphoto.com - DT watermarked images on site, file number prefix "DRMT"
Pixmac - per zager in post 28 of this thread.
Pond5 - Via Pixmac

Opt out possible?  Yes
Boom Bucket Mobile - http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_7572
Brightqube - http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_8611
Eapoo.com - http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_33700
Fotobanka Imagio - http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_22756
I22 - http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_9615
ImageClick - http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_9615
Imagetrail - http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_8611
Morguefile - http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_24427
MySpace - http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_11224
Publicdomainpictures - cclapper Post 29 of this thread
Phototimes.ru - http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_26444
Picfindr - http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_8611
Picturesandbox - http ://www.dreamstime.com/thread_8611
Pinterest* - http://blog.dreamstime.com/2012/04/26/pinterest-and-stock-photography_art37491
Stockfreeimages.com - http://www.microstockgroup.com/microstock-news/stockfreeimages-com/
Supprint.com - http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_20592
timelineimages.com - http://www.dreamstime.com/forumm_31550_pg1
Pixmac Terminated Jan 17, 2011 http://www.dreamstime.com/thread_25551

Opt out possible?  ???
nunukphotos.com - Per dirkr in post #65 of this thread

Opt out possible?  No
1&1 - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/news-lcn-com-and-fotolia-form-strategic-partnership/
1photoshop.fr - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/more-Fotolia-partners/
AgeFotostock - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Apimages.com - http://www.apimages.com/MicrostockRFabout.aspx
Artforweb - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Artiloo - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/more-Fotolia-partners/
Bilderking - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Efototapeten.de - per http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/fotolia-partner-sales/
EasyFototock - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Everystockphoto - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/fotolia-and-everystockphoto-com/
Fotky foto fotobanka - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/fotolia's-partner/
Foto.artgeist - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Fotonity - http://us.fotolia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=15570
Imagesformyweb - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/more-Fotolia-partners/
Imagetrail - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
IML Image Group Ltd - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Inkshuffle - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/inkshuffle-com/
Kitgrafik - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
LCN Hosting - http://blog.fotolia.com/us/news/fotolia/fotolia-_lcn-_partnership-.html
Microsoft Office - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/worse-than-istock-for-me/msg189974/#msg189974
Moodboard - http://www.stockphototalk.com/the_stock_photo_industry_/2008/03/fotolia-moodboa.html
New Era Walls by HP - http://www.microstockgroup.com/image-sleuth/new-era-walls-by-hp
Oligopix - Per my post #47 in this thread
Okaypix - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Onlydoo - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Parangaimages.com - Per Jwolf in post #126 of this thread.
Photog.snaparazzi.eu - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Photos.codes-sources - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Photoxpress - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Picturevillage - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/picture-village/
Pingg - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/news-fotolia-announces-partnership-with-pingg-com/
Pixers.pl - per my post #45 in this thread
Pixersize.com - Per click_click in post #139 of this thread
Popgamut.com - http://www.microstockgroup.com/image-sleuth/new-era-walls-by-hp
Purebudget.com - per ThomasAmby post #56 of this thread
Scake - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/skace-com-another-fotolia-affiliate-probably/
Scanpix - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Sisustus.net - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/more-Fotolia-partners/
SlideRocket - http://blog.fotolia.com/us/news/fotolia/fotolia-_sliderocket-_partners.html
Snaparazzi - http://blog.fotolia.com/us/on_the_net/cool_tools/snaparazzi_fotolia_api.html
TemplateMonster - http://blog.fotolia.com/us/press/release/fotolia-_templatemonster-_stoc.html
Tuweimei - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/Fotolia-partners/
Value Stock Images - Per my post #44 in this thread
Visible Spectrum - http://blog.fotolia.com/us/2011/12/15/partner-feature-visible-spectrum/?utm_source=email_Fotolia&utm_medium=email_loyalty&utm_campaign=2011-12-21_3619US
Visionbedding.com - http://www.microstockgroup.com/image-sleuth/visionbedding-com/
VisualBee - http://blog.fotolia.com/us/2011/09/08/visualbee-fotolia%e2%80%99s-newest-api-partner/
Wallmonkeys.com per click_click in post #94 of this thread
Web-set.com - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/more-Fotolia-partners/
Xycod - http://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/partner-deal-with-xycod/

Pixmac - terminated 12/31/10  - per zager in post 28 of this thread.
Moo - terminated between 4/6/11 and 1/4/12 - the link that listed them as a partner no longer works.  http://blog.fotolia.com/us/news/fotolia/fotolia-partners-moo-.html

Opt out possible? 

Opt out possible? - It is messy. - independent contributors can no longer opt out.  Exclusives can opt out of the "partner program", but not from having their content moved to a "similar or higher priced collection"
- http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=333754&page=1   
Avery - http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=77709
bumperstickers.biz Istock contributors content on Getty via Zazzle - http://www.microstockgroup.com/image-sleuth/'bumper-stickers'/
Campaigner - http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/Together-Campaigner-and-iStockphoto-Help-Email-Marketers-Get-the-Picture-NASDAQ-JCOM-1407827.htm
Fedex office - http://www.microstockgroup.com/microstock-news/istock-pitney-bowes-and-fedex-kinkos/?wap2
Freepik.com Per post #63, free content managed by Stock.xchng which is owned by Getty
Getty - I've not followed very closely so not sure I could give a good summery/links
Getty Images/Motion (exclusive content) - http://www.microstockgroup.com/members-only-discussion/istock-video-exclusive-path-to-getty-imagesmotion-question/
Jupiterimages - http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=88663/
Microsoft - http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=49139
Photos.com - http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=88663/
Pinterest* - http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=351633&page=1
Staples - http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=74811
Stock.xchng   Per post #63, while site has free content, search results also return Istock content.  Site is part of Getty. 
Thinkstock - http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=171201
Wallartcanvasprints.com - http://www.microstockgroup.com/general-stock-discussion/www-wallartcanvasprints-com-istock-partner/msg223098/#msg223098
Wallartsuperstore.com They have Istock watermarked images, but only a handful of images overall, so may not be an authorized Istock partner.

Removing Microsoft - http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=351633&page=1
Opt out possible?   Yes - http://anbieter.panthermedia.net/pm/mediarights
Massive list of Partners - http://www.panthermedia.net/index.php?page=cms%2Fpages%2Fdisplay2.php&cms_id=196&select_language=en
Glowimages.com - Per Noedelhap in post #119 of this thread. see http://www.glowimages.com/home-stock-photography-microstock/index.html
Reflexstock.com - http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/reflex-stock/

Opt out possible?  ???
Pinterest - http://www.microstockgroup.com/image-sleuth/game-over-pinterest-pirates-gets-100-million-$-!/msg255751/

Opt out possible?  ???
Depositphoto - Via Pixmac - http://www.microstockgroup.com/pond5/question-17280/msg335500/#msg335500
FeaturePics - http://www.microstockgroup.com/pond5/question-17280/msg335500/#msg335500
Pixmac - Aquired by Pond5 http://help.pond5.com/customer/portal/articles/1020009
Yaymicro - http://www.microstockgroup.com/pond5/question-17280/msg335500/#msg335500
Ibudgetphoto.com - has images with Pixmac watermark

Opt out possible?  Yes
Bigstock - dont know exactly what to call the relationship.  http://www.bigstockphoto.com/blog/theupload/2011/01/the-bridge-to-bigstock/

SignElements (formerly Isignstock)
Ingram - owns SignElements per Lotti in post #128 of this thread.

No partner programs - Per pseudonymous in post #56 of this thread.
Pinterest* - http://www.microstockgroup.com/image-sleuth/game-over-pinterest-pirates-gets-100-million-$-!/msg255751/

Opt out possible?  No
List of some of their partner programs - http://www.veer.com/more/contributor/faq/royalties-payments/who-are-all-the-api-partners/
Agefotostock/Kalium/Potassium - http://www.microstockgroup.com/veer-marketplace/veer-portfolio-in-agefotosotck/msg273300/#msg273300
AIC.com -  Per Veer October 2011 Newsletter
Amana - Veer September 2011 Newsletter
Click Photo - Veer July 2011 Newsletter
Fotochannels.com -  http://www.veer.com/more/contributor/faq/royalties-payments/who-are-all-the-api-partners/
Ibudgetphoto.com - http://www.veer.com/more/contributor/faq/royalties-payments/who-are-all-the-api-partners/
Imagedirekt.de - http://www.microstockgroup.com/veer-marketplace/new-veer-partner-imagedirekt-de
India Pictures - http://www.veer.com/more/contributor/faq/royalties-payments/who-are-all-the-api-partners/
LatinStock Brazil - Veer September 2011 Newsletter
Matton Images - per http://www.microstockgroup.com/veer-marketplace/is-matton-images-a-veer-partner/
Media Bakery - http://www.microstockgroup.com/veer-marketplace/veer-partnered-with-media-bakery-copyright-info-has-been-stripped-and-replaced/
Photogenica - http://www.microstockgroup.com/veer-marketplace/veer-reseller-api/
Pocketstock.com.mx - http://www.veer.com/more/contributor/faq/royalties-payments/who-are-all-the-api-partners/
Pocketstock.com - http://www.veer.com/more/contributor/faq/royalties-payments/who-are-all-the-api-partners/
Profilephotolibrary.com - http://www.veer.com/more/contributor/faq/royalties-payments/who-are-all-the-api-partners/
Profimedia.com - http://www.microstockgroup.com/veer-marketplace/your-veer-portfolio-on-alamy/msg255754/#msg255754
Snapfish - http://www.microstockgroup.com/veer-marketplace/veer-reseller-api/
Top Photo -  http://www.veer.com/more/contributor/faq/royalties-payments/who-are-all-the-api-partners/
Veerchina.com - http://www.veer.com/more/contributor/faq/royalties-payments/who-are-all-the-api-partners/
Visual Israel - http://www.veer.com/more/contributor/faq/royalties-payments/who-are-all-the-api-partners/
Visualphotos.com - Veer November 2011 Newsletter
VMI - http://www.veer.com/more/contributor/faq/royalties-payments/who-are-all-the-api-partners/
Alamy Added then removed mid May 2012 to mid June 2012 -  http://www.microstockgroup.com/veer-marketplace/your-veer-portfolio-on-alamy/msg260020/

Opt out possible? 
Alamy - http://www.microstockgroup.com/yaymicro/yay-distribution-deal-with-alamy/
Better Photo! - http://www.microstockgroup.com/yaymicro/yaymicro-twitter-news/
Datacraft - http://www.microstockgroup.com/yaymicro/more-api's/msg279904/#msg279904
Ibudgetphoto.com - Yaymicro watermarked images on the site.
Photoambry - http://www.microstockgroup.com/yaymicro/editorial-as-rf-on-partner-sites/
Photokore - http://www.microstockgroup.com/yaymicro/more-api's/msg279904/#msg279904
Photogenica Poland - http://www.microstockgroup.com/yaymicro/yaymicro-twitter-news/
Photogenica Russia - http://www.microstockgroup.com/yaymicro/yaymicro-twitter-news/
Pixmac - per zager in post 28 of this thread.
Visualphotos.com - http://www.microstockgroup.com/veer-marketplace/veer-partners-visual-photos/

Opt out possible?  Yes
- http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/zoonar-now-offers-photolibrary-as-partner/
Age Fotostock- http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/zoonar-partners-acceptance/msg276771/#msg276771
- http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/zoonar-now-offers-photolibrary-as-partner/
APIS - http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/earnings-on-zoonar/
DDP Images
- http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/zoonar-now-offers-photolibrary-as-partner/
DHJV - http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/zoonar-now-offers-photolibrary-as-partner/
- http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/zoonar-now-offers-photolibrary-as-partner/
Jupiterimages - http://www.microstockgroup.com/microstock-news/photolibrary-sold-to-getty/msg0/?topicseen#new
Photos.com - http://www.microstockgroup.com/microstock-news/photolibrary-sold-to-getty/msg0/?topicseen#new
Picturemaxx - http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/zoonar-now-offers-photolibrary-as-partner/   
Thinkstock - http://www.microstockgroup.com/microstock-news/photolibrary-sold-to-getty/msg0/?topicseen#new

Mauritius Images Best Price Stock - http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/zoonar-partners-acceptance/msg276771/#msg276771
Photolibrary - http://www.microstockgroup.com/new-sites-general/zoonar-partners-acceptance/msg276771/#msg276771            

* Site either has link to pin image on Pinterest or has indicated Pinterest is some type of partner and they will not pursue removal of images from Pinterest.

I dont know what to do with the following               
photooo.net - www.photooo.net            
Allfreelogo.com - http://www.allfreelogo.com - claims to be part of Dreamstime - http://www.microstockgroup.com/general-stock-discussion/a-list-of-partner-programs/msg194889/#msg194889


5/19/11 - added Inkshuffle
6/10/11 - added Pixmac to DepositPhotos and YayMicro
6/10/11 - added Publicdomainpictures to Dreamstime
6/17/11 - added Value Stock Images to Fotolia
6/17/11 - added Pixers.pl to Fotolia
6/17/11 - added Oligopix to Fotolia
6/17/11 - added Stocklib by Epictura to 123RF
6/17/11 - added Webstockpro to the unknown list
6/17/11 - added Unlistedimages to the unknown list
6/17/11 - added Reflexstock to the unknown list
6/19/11 - added Media Bakery to Veer
6/19/11 - added Reflexstock to Canstockphoto
6/19/11 - added Reflexstock to 123RF
7/23/11 - updated Stockfresh to indicate no partner programs
7/23/11 - added Purebudget.com to Fotolia
7/23/11 - added Visionbedding.com to Fotolia
8/12/11 - added Freepik.com to Istock
8/12/11 - added Stock.xchng to Istock
8/12/11 - updated Photolibrary status on Zoonar
8/12/11 - added Reflexstock to Panthermedia
9/7/11 - updated Istock to reflect inability of independents to opt out of partner programs
9/7/11 - added Getty Images/Motion to Istock
9/7/11 - added Xycod to Fotolia
9/7/11 - added Nunukphotos.com to Featurepics
9/7/11 - added Feebdesign/stockphoto.feebdesign.com to 123RF
9/7/11 - added Hemistock.com to 123RF
9/7/11 - added Ooopic.com to 123RF
9/7/11 - added Value Stock Images to Canstockphoto
9/7/11 - added Photoambry to Yaymicro
9/26/11 - added Thinkstock to Zoonar
9/26/11 - added Photos.com to Zoonar
9/26/11 - added Jupiterimages to Zoonar
10/1/11 - added Better Photo! to YayMicro
10/1/11 - added Photogenica Poland to YayMicro
10/1/11 - added Photogenica Russia to YayMicro
10/12/11 - added Wallartcanvasprints.com to Istock
11/4/11 - added Efototapeten.de to Fotolia
11/4/11 - added AIC to Veer
11/4/11 - added Amana to Veer
11/4/11 - added Click Photo to Veer
11/4/11 - added LatinStock Brazil to Veer
11/4/11 - added Matton Images to Veer
11/26/11 - added Visual Photos to Veer
11/26/11 - added Visual Photos to Yaymicro
12/16/11 - added Panthermedia to 123RF
12/16/11 - added Crystalgraphics to Bigstock
12/20/11 - added PocketStock to Veer
12/20/11 - added Top Photo to Veer
12/20/11 - added Visual Israel to Veer
12/20/11 - added VMI to Veer
1/3/12 - added Visible Spectrum to Fotolia
1/3/12 - added VisualBee to Fotolia
1/21/12 - added Popgamut.com to Fotolia
1/21/12 - added New Era Walls by HP to Fotolia
1/21/12 - added Imagedirekt.de to Veer
1/21/12 - removed Moo from Fotolia
4/24/12 added Wallmonkeys to Fotolia
4/24/12 added Gograph to Canstockphoto
4/24/12 added Wallartsuperstore to Istock
4/24/12 added Stockfreeimages to Dreamstime
5/30/12 added Alamy to Veer
5/30/12 added India Pictures to Veer
5/30/12 added Profimedia to Veer
5/30/12 added Profimedia to Unknown
5/30/12 added Pocketstock.com to Unknown
5/30/12 updated existing entry for Pocketstock.com.mx to reflect full name
7-27-12 added Pinterest to 123RF
7-27-12 added Pinterest to Bigstock
7-27-12 added Pinterest to Dreamstime
7-27-12 added Pinterest to Photodune
7-27-12 added Pinterest to Stockfresh
7-27-12 added Pinterest to Istockphoto
7-27-12 added Zcool to 123RF
7-27-12 added timelineimages.com  to Dreamstime
7-27-12 added bumperstickers.biz to Istockphoto
7-27-12 Removed Alamy from Veer
11-16-12 - Added Cafe Press to Big Stock
11-16-12 - Added Emma to Big Stock
11-16-12 - Added Alamy to Yaymicro
11-16-12 - Added Datacraft to Yaymicro
11-16-12 - Added Photokore to Yaymicro
11-16-12 - Added Age Fotostock to Zoonar
11-16-12 - Added Agefotostock/Kalium/Potassium to Veer
11-16-12 - Removed Mauritius Images from Zoonar
11-16-12 - Removed Photolibrary  from Zoonar
3-6-13 - Added Glowimages.com to 123RF
3-6-13 - Added Profimedia.cz to 123RF
3-6-13 - Added Clashot.com to Depositphotos
3-6-13 - Added Ibudgetphoto.com to Depositphotos
3-6-13 - Added Pond5 to Depositphotos
3-6-13 - Added Eapoo.com to Dreamstime
3-6-13 - Added Apimages.com to Fotolia
3-6-13 - Added Parangaimages.com to Fotolia
3-6-13 - Added Glowimages.com to Panthermedia
3-6-13 - Added Depositphoto to Pond5
3-6-13 - Added Pixmac to Pond5
3-6-13 - Added Yaymicro to Pond5
3-6-13 - Added Ibudgetphoto.com to Pond5
3-6-13 - Added Ingram to SignElements
3-6-13 - Added Fotochannels.com to Veer
3-6-13 - Added Ibudgetphoto.com to Veer
3-6-13 - Added Pocketstock.com to Veer
3-6-13 - Added Profilephotolibrary.com to Veer
3-6-13 - Added Veerchina.com to Veer
3-6-13 - Added Ibudgetphoto.com to Yaymicro
3-6-13 - Removed Pond5 from 123RF
3-6-13 - Removed Profimedia.cz from unknown
3-6-13 - Removed Pocketstock.com from unknown
1-27-14 added Pixersize to Fotolia
1-27-14 - added FeaturePics to Pond5

« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 11:31 by Sadstock »

« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2011, 17:13 »
Good grief! I had no idea there were so many ways to slice a pie. You'd think our businesses would be booming with all that exposure.

« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2011, 17:24 »
Wow, that is an awesome list, sadstock. You did a lot of work.

I have an addition to BigStock, as I found my images there. Feel free to add to your list.
It's called frontfoto... here is the link   http://image.qianwenhua.com/     it is a china-based company

« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2011, 18:10 »
Nice work, much appreciated!

It would be great if this #1st post could be updated as soon new affiliates are known. Great resource!

« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2011, 18:19 »

canstock is owned by fotosearch so not really a partner.

panther has page full of partners

I thought fotolia let you opt out, I remember a while asking if I could opt out of one specific one and they said all or nothing

« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2011, 21:21 »
What a fantastic list. Thank you for the effort. It is truly appreciated.

« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2011, 22:02 »
Glad people like it.  I found the process of assembling the list to be very useful.  Thanks all for the updates which I've added in.  Please let me know if I missed anything.  

For some reason I though you could opt out of Fotosearch, but seems not to be the case.

« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2011, 02:11 »
Thanks, great work.
+   http://hemistock.com  - partner of 123rf

« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2011, 03:17 »
Wow, great list - thanks for all the work.  I think I should make this topic sticky so it doesn't get lost.  Can I add this info to the wiki?

« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2011, 03:48 »
Age Photostock has got some of mine from Panther Media but not from Fotolia, so I wonder if the Fotolia connection is still valid (they don't seem to put micro agency names on the search page, just marking anything from a micro as a budget price image, you can see the agency if you open the thumbnail).

« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2011, 04:53 »
I sent a copyright infringement notice after seeing my image on a site called allfreelogo.com. They replied they were an affiliate of Dreamstime. I have no idea if this is true, the website does look odd and what it offers isn't quite clear to me.


« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2011, 05:42 »
I'd check that with DT.  It looks as if they have harvested major company logos so you can download them for use in projects - e.g. if you are doing a design job for a local franchise of that company. The appearance suggests that they make their money from referral links, so why DT would be associated with anything like that is a mystery.

« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2011, 14:10 »
Thanks for the great information. I didn't know about all the partners. --- ritasue

« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2011, 14:21 »
Thanks for this. Good work and useful reference to have as a sticky.


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2011, 15:06 »
thank you for the hard work. way more than I would have guessed. it would be even more valuable to see a profile for each site...not suggesting you should do that work too, but would help to know how much or little 'space' each partner site takes up in the industry.

« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2011, 21:21 »
Wow, great list - thanks for all the work.  I think I should make this topic sticky so it doesn't get lost.  Can I add this info to the wiki?


Thanks for making it a sticky, hope its helpful to people.  Feel free to add it to the wiki as well. 

The BS secrecy that most of the micros wrap their partner programs in pisses me off, so let's share it around.  Honestly does anybody think that if a micro wanted to duplicate DT or FT's partner program it would take them more than a day to find all of them?  Really?  All it does is make it hard for contributors to know where their images are and if they are being paid correctly. 


« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2011, 22:20 »
Thanks a lot for your efforts in compiling this!  Can't believe how many different sites I am on without knowing it.  Yikes!

« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2011, 00:35 »
Not to call shenanigans, but this Pixmac thing is still a mystery to me. Everyone says they canceled their partnership, but my images there have increased since January.

« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2011, 09:09 »
how about pond5 with pictures coming from 123RF, I have found it today got a few pictures at pond5, like half of 123RF

« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2011, 09:23 »
Not to call shenanigans, but this Pixmac thing is still a mystery to me. Everyone says they canceled their partnership, but my images there have increased since January.

I don't understand that either.

Usually they say it takes 60 days to get images off of partner programs, but since everything is electronic, I am fascinated as to why it takes that long to walk over to the computer, look up a persons account, and delete it. I may have oversimplified a tad, and I understand that people have other work to do, but I can't understand why accounts can't be deleted and images stopped from moving to partner programs within a week or two. Maybe someone has a detailed explanation as to the exact steps that are required for deleting a person's account from a computer and how the API software works? Or is that a national security secret?  ;)

« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2011, 09:29 »
Not a Partner as such but 123RF also sell through their parent site Inmagine.com. What's interesting is that Inmagine are now also selling editorial images from 123RF. This is pretty new I think as they weren't last time I looked (in fact their Contributor faq page still says that they do not take editorial). Could be one reason why I have had an increasing number of editorial sales at 123 recently. Regards, David.


« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2011, 01:27 »
Nice work.

I didn't see if someone answered, but SS does not partner images to BigStock. It's a fully owned division. People can Opt. in, via "the bridge" or choose not to, but we can also upload to BigStock and then have the same thing. Images aren't in a partner program like the normal way the term is used.

Interesting list and hopefully it will grow as new partners are discovered.

« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2011, 15:25 »
Nice work.

I didn't see if someone answered, but Shutterstock does not partner images to BigStock. It's a fully owned division. People can Opt. in, via "the bridge" or choose not to, but we can also upload to BigStock and then have the same thing. Images aren't in a partner program like the normal way the term is used.

Interesting list and hopefully it will grow as new partners are discovered.

Agreed not a partner program, but still think they should be on the list for completeness sake.  Maybe change the name of this thread to "a list of places your images could show up without having uploaded them there directly."   ;D

« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2011, 15:27 »
Thanks for the input Newsfocus1 & luissantos84.  I've added both Pond5 andInmagine.com to 123RF's list. 


« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2011, 16:43 »
Correct, the One Way bridge does go from SS to BigStock. Also it's only done with the prior approval of SS asking and the artist saying yes. But still, it's good to make a note that pictures from SS do appear on BigStock, in case someone forgets they said OK you can move my pictures.  ;D

The rest of them, are often a mystery and the agencies don't list who they partner with. My answer was easy. Drop all of them and go with only SS & IS and their partners, so I know how my pictures got out on the web. Two is easier to figure out. Might be an old age thing in my case?

A good list, keep it going.

Nice work.

I didn't see if someone answered, but Shutterstock does not partner images to BigStock. It's a fully owned division. People can Opt. in, via "the bridge" or choose not to, but we can also upload to BigStock and then have the same thing. Images aren't in a partner program like the normal way the term is used.

Interesting list and hopefully it will grow as new partners are discovered.

Agreed not a partner program, but still think they should be on the list for completeness sake.  Maybe change the name of this thread to "a list of places your images could show up without having uploaded them there directly."   ;D


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