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« on: August 26, 2020, 15:09 »
It's funny that his kind of deal is not happening with McDonalds, Coca Cola etc. that if they use our images and actually sell the advertised product of the campaign we get a few cents from each sale. I could live with a few hundreds of thousands of sales of Coke bottles and cans...
« on: August 26, 2020, 15:06 »
This is kind of new to me. So now, we're not even getting anything for the "display" of our images at Getty (in conjunction with Printful). Only if a product gets printed, "designers" pay $1 which ends up being a few cents for what used to be an extended license sale... This was posted in the Printful Insiders group on FB: Getty Images + Printful integration is here! 🎉 We're partnering with Getty Images to bring you one of the largest stock photography libraries to use for your product designs! What the Getty Images + Printful integration gives you:
📍 Royalty-free images for only $1: High-quality stock photos can run you up to $100, and you have no guarantee that your product with that image will sell. With the Getty Images+ Printful integration, you can add products with Getty Images files to your store for free! Once a customer buys your product, you will be charged $1 for each Getty Images file used. Easy! 📍 Never run out of product designs again: The Getty Images library offers more than 80M photos and illustrations in countless searchable categories. Plus, the high-resolution files are large enough for your all-over products! How does it work? Once you log into your Printful account, the Getty Images library will be available to you in the Mockup Generator. Under Configure design, choose Browse artwork. You can then search for any image using the Getty Images search interface! Play around with the images and create your designs, then add the products to your store. Done! Important things to note: The pricing for all Getty Images is $1 per placement. For example, a t-shirt order with one Getty Images file placed on both sleeves will cost you $2 plus tax, which will be charged along with product, fulfillment, and shipping costs. For now, Getty files aren't available for embroidery and engraving. Files with Getty images are meant to be used only for product designs, so it's not possible to download them as print files. Explore Getty Images + Printful here ➡️ https://www.printful.com/mockup-generator
« on: July 27, 2020, 04:39 »
Hi everybody,
is anyone here doing stock/self employment from France?
I'm moving there soon (to Alsace) and wanted to hear some feedback about insurances and other sole entrepreneur related stuff.
If anyone likes to share feel free to PM me.
« on: June 30, 2020, 06:35 »
Doesn't work for me as well on Windows using Firefox and Chrome.
« on: June 09, 2020, 00:57 »
I left Clipdealer because they refused to pay me as well. I was above the minimum threshold!
Only after persisting via email to be paid they did it. Then I asked them to close my account.
« on: June 03, 2020, 06:01 »
After 2 days under the new tariff regime. A simple observation, I have a 15k portfolio and I'm in L5... I lost a little more than a third of my usual income. I work mainly with models and the cost of the productions is already lowed to the maximum to still produce quality images. I would like to hear the voice of the big image producers, with their teams of stylists, retouchers etc ... plus the cost of the models. How do they see the future with 30% less revenue... If this trend continues.
Exactly, I don't do model shoots but those who do have massive expenses & require a lot more gear to work with, have been working on a stripped budget as it was. Now I doubt that many big contributors are able to continue with these new rates. If expenses go down either quality and/or quantity will go down. I have no idea which group of contributors is actually not impacted negatively by this change. All of us are taking a hit. That sounds to me like an overall loss of uploads and decline of quality content. If at least big producers or very successful contributors would have actually gotten a raise it would have caused an impulse of higher quality content if that is what SS is after. But under the current conditions it appears that SS only wants to create inflated numbers for their shareholders. Looking like a desperate attempt to add value to the company... I'm no trading professional but a successful company doesn't have a chart like this...
« on: April 15, 2020, 05:34 »
Is there any official answer from SS regarding the royalties on those plans? Sucks to see that, again, we're the last ones to hear about "good news" from an agency, now being Shutterstock. Bummer. Recently started uploading footage again, explicitly NOT uploading to iStock/Getty due to their insulting royalties. Due to the Covid-19 crisis I'm more than ever relying on stock royalties and then SS decides to do this... Might as well upload to IS again just to rake in any penny I can get... I doubt that SS will change their corporate decision if a couple hundred contributors will complain...
« on: May 21, 2019, 07:26 »
Hi, this is my third change of country and it never gets boring... LOL
Having gone through various experiences in Germany and Switzerland, I'm now moving to France and was wondering if there are any French people here who I could shoot a few questions regarding my (small) business and how to transition smoothly.
« on: May 14, 2019, 10:52 »
Richard Pryor hacked into his workplace's computer and siphoned off all the fractions of pennies that the workforce earned but we're never actually paid... because they couldn't pay out less than a cent. Good idea!
I forgot that. I guess Office Space had the same plot.
Yeah I was thinking of "Office Space" when I read SpaceStockFootage's response...
« on: May 14, 2019, 09:12 »
... Kind more serious, the payout amount and the transfered amount must be 1 cent less. A screenshot of your Paypal or whatever you use wouldn't show this instantly?
I never made a screenshot before. I will do so now. Otherwise there is no way to "prove" it with the tools given (payout history etc.).
« on: May 14, 2019, 09:10 »
Here it shows the amount as seen in the upper right hand corner and below the line from the payout history. I don't know for certain if the 1 ct disappears everytime I make a payout or it's gets added back to my total amount when I make a new sale.

What's more, when I check my daily earnings between payouts (and I tested several months), it shows a difference of up to 3 cents between what I add up manually and the amount shown under Daily Earnings...It must be rounded royalties, but it's always in favor of AdobeStock, never in favor of the contributor. Does AdobeStock siphon off every <1ct or does it go back into our account?
These screenshots is what Adobe is asking for!!! Keep them and send them to their support so they can get on it. I usually never make screenshots as I was under the impression that the computer systems automatically process the shown amount at the time of the payout request. Only when the payment arrived in my Paypal account it was 1 cent less. My payout overview shows the reduced amount and not the requested amount. Next time I will have to take a screenshot as well.
« on: May 14, 2019, 06:28 »
Superman III
I don't get it. Please elaborate.
« on: May 14, 2019, 05:02 »
Adobe's response to my question why I receive one cent less than I requested: ... could you provide some specific examples, please. I'm not sure exactly how to prove this as the payout overview on their site shows the amount they actually paid. I never receive a payout request verification whenever I want money from them. I'm asking anybody else who noticed this to contact Adobe's support as well. Apparently they are not aware of this. I know that this is not a huge deal but I think that Adobe should also pay what someone is requesting and not short changing (perhaps all) contributors.
« on: May 10, 2019, 05:26 »
Its due to rounding off the cents.
e.g. if your balance shows $50.01 and you request $50.01 you generally only get the $50 and the 1 cent remains on your account.
Well, as long as the "missing" cent remains in my account balance, I'm fine. However, I had all kinds of balances paid out, even amounts that were "rounded off" to XXX.51 or XXX.82 I'll shoot them a message anyways. Just wanted to know if other people noticed the same. Just weird to get this one cent less even if it remains in the account.
« on: May 10, 2019, 02:49 »
Hi folks, do you also receive exactly one cent less than the requested payout amount on Adobe Stock?
I've noticed it the last 2 or 3 payouts but was wondering if this affects other people as well.
« on: March 30, 2019, 17:15 »
Same here. Got a $100 sale through Masterfile and with the remaining $$$ that I already had I was looking forward to the payout in February. Now I'm still waiting, only getting the response which was already posted above  Once I hear back from them next week I will threaten them as well to get paid. This should be posted on the Masterfile social media pages. Total disrespectful behavior. Will pull the plug as soon as the $$$ is in.
« on: November 13, 2018, 15:10 »
Thanks again for your input and help!
I appreciate it!
« on: November 13, 2018, 10:24 »
Thanks for the responses and sorry for the missing information. The email from SS is: A property release is required for this image or the attached property release does not meet our requirements or is illegible. So I don't know whether it's the first or the latter that caused the rejection. I can read the hand writing except the fact that the property owner misspelled their email address. So I have to get a new release I guess. I cannot start messing with a signed document right?
« on: November 13, 2018, 06:36 »
Hi, I haven't uploaded anything with a release ro a very long time. As I just had some shots where I used the property release of 500px (removing all 500px identifiers) - SS rejected teh release as it is "inelligible".
I thought the release from 500px would cover everything but apparently not.
Is there a generic release out there somewhere (URL?) that SS will accept?
Would be much appreciated.
« on: November 10, 2018, 03:06 »
Thanks for the answers! Much appreciated.
« on: November 09, 2018, 11:01 »
I've been idle a while on the forums and this may have come up before but I couldn't find anything via the search function so here I ask:
$1.80 for a video sale on SS? What's happening?
Did they introduce some new scheme or big customer discounts?
Any information on this?
« on: July 04, 2018, 11:03 »
What a discgrace. I'd be furious...
« on: June 19, 2018, 11:12 »
Hi everyone,
does anyone here know what the current turnaround time is to register copyright with eco system at the US Copyright Office? I have done it many years ago and I wonder if the process has changed or what the status is.
Thanks in advance.
« on: August 18, 2017, 11:40 »
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