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Author Topic: Coming out of Beta. 1+, 2+ Bug Stomping Thread.  (Read 36121 times)

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Leo Blanchette

« Reply #125 on: May 22, 2013, 02:26 »
Just a question in IPTC -

Caption or headline - whats the diff? What does everyone use? Which takes precedence?

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #126 on: May 22, 2013, 02:34 »
One more thing - I fixed the title hijacking mistake I made. So you can process images automatically now.

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #127 on: May 22, 2013, 02:35 »
According to the little mouse-over help in Bridge, Headline is a brief synopsis of whats in the file, while Title is more like a filename.

I dont use any of this. Just use Title, Description, Keywords and copyright on the first Tab of the file information in Bridge/Photoshop, which I believe is EXIF, not IPTC. But I might be wrong about that.

« Reply #128 on: May 22, 2013, 02:47 »
According to the little mouse-over help in Bridge, Headline is a brief synopsis of whats in the file, while Title is more like a filename.

I dont use any of this. Just use Title, Description, Keywords and copyright on the first Tab of the file information in Bridge/Photoshop, which I believe is EXIF, not IPTC. But I might be wrong about that.

All that is IPTC, EXIF appears under Camera Data in Adobe progs, and is not normally writable.

Title should really have the filename or similar, but most agencies read it for the image title. That should really go in Headline, but only PicturEngine read that as far as I know. Caption is the same as Description, and is the longer winded bit.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #129 on: May 22, 2013, 02:48 »
Much appreciated thanks.

« Reply #130 on: May 22, 2013, 02:51 »

This is pretty good, because Tinny had added like 10 people and it was impossible for her site to load properly. Great she discovered that limitation. Now its smooth sailing!

Is that why I did not get the Network link at the bottom of the page?  I did not discover it, I saw it was different to yours and you discovered why :D

Works now - brilliant work the pair of you.  Wish I could help with that sort of thing but I am embarrassed to admit that I don't have a clue what you are talking about half the time let alone how to do it.

Just a thought.
Will we be able to omit/ban people from the extended network list on our sites if we don't like for instance the quality of the work they produce, the subjects they show?

Another thought
Might be worth recommending that the first few words of everyone's profile details are the most pertinent as they will show up in the directory before anyone clicks to open the file  (ie - http://tulip.kerioak.com/symbiostock-network-directory/ ) so they need to grab a clients attention

Yet another thought
Where are our clients?

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #131 on: May 22, 2013, 03:16 »

This is pretty good, because Tinny had added like 10 people and it was impossible for her site to load properly. Great she discovered that limitation. Now its smooth sailing!

Is that why I did not get the Network link at the bottom of the page?  I did not discover it, I saw it was different to yours and you discovered why :D

Works now - brilliant work the pair of you.  Wish I could help with that sort of thing but I am embarrassed to admit that I don't have a clue what you are talking about half the time let alone how to do it.

Just a thought.
Will we be able to omit/ban people from the extended network list on our sites if we don't like for instance the quality of the work they produce, the subjects they show?

Another thought
Might be worth recommending that the first few words of everyone's profile details are the most pertinent as they will show up in the directory before anyone clicks to open the file  (ie - http://tulip.kerioak.com/symbiostock-network-directory/ ) so they need to grab a clients attention

Yet another thought
Where are our clients?

Yeah, you really pushed its limits. Your site is like a funnel in this system and it had to squeeze out 10 sites to the viewer. Some of those sites were very slow relative to your server's location (or just plain slow!)  and being that your site had a limited time to deliver...it just gave up. So between caching and after-requesting, its solved :D.

Yes, after things are running and more "strangers" start coming in, we will be able to put in all those "blacklist" features. For now its just time consuming details I'm not getting into yet.

I'm glad everything is working for you now!

« Reply #132 on: May 22, 2013, 11:24 »
Just a question in IPTC -

Caption or headline - whats the diff? What does everyone use? Which takes precedence?

I use both because agencies vary in which tghey use -- there are actually FIVE options

iptc - objectname
xmp - title

one of the agencies uses iptc-caption-abstract

I've asked but never gotten an answer from any of them - I had a lot of images with all the iptc but missing the xmp-title field that came up empty - now i  just fill in all

also, I've had problems with DT and sym, sporadically with images created in PS - eg a combination of 4 other images, or a composite that starts from a blank screen - it's rrepeatable when an image fails, but not predictable though, but I suspect it's looking for some camera-related info that's never set up

it always says 'title found' in processing

if I upload with a byline it says
   'stock image by steve estvanik / cascoly '

  if there's no iptc byline it says
   'stock image by cascoly'

so for some reason it's replacing all the titles now.  this didn't happen with the version before 2.2.0 and has been consistent since

the offline version of the image is correct before and after the upload
also, just discovered description is sometimes doubled
takes 1 desc from iptc and other from xmp  -- eg,shows desc as:
Ski lift carries skiers to the high alpine mountains2
 Ski lift carries skiers to the high alpine mountains 1

the first is from xmp-description, the second from iptc caption-abstract
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 11:56 by cascoly »

« Reply #133 on: May 22, 2013, 11:28 »

Yeah, you really pushed its limits. Your site is like a funnel in this system and it had to squeeze out 10 sites to the viewer. Some of those sites were very slow relative to your server's location (or just plain slow!)  and being that your site had a limited time to deliver...it just gave up. So between caching and after-requesting, its solved :D.

Yes, after things are running and more "strangers" start coming in, we will be able to put in all those "blacklist" features. For now its just time consuming details I'm not getting into yet.

I'm glad everything is working for you now!

when we have the search logging csv, it should contain an elapsed time value that will help identify slow sites; it also can track where a failure occurred since it will show the last site completed - right now if there are 3 sites in a row that produce no results we don't know which was the problem

one partial solution would be to check the maxtime of the calling site first, and use that as a guide to how many additional sites are called

« Reply #134 on: May 22, 2013, 11:48 »
If Leo wants to remove any of the network sites from links to try things out he is more than welcome - it is there to experiment with

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #135 on: May 22, 2013, 14:56 »
Thanks for the help Cascoly - just an FYI the newer version I've uploaded should not hijack your titles. Make sure your up to 2.2.2

I'm off today! But keep logging bugs. Thanks

« Reply #136 on: May 22, 2013, 17:49 »
running 2.2.2 -- thanks - titles are coming thru fine now

but when I do a search on 'animal'  I get a number of error messages


image 208

image 178

image 127

image 94

image 85

image 64
Warning: file_put_contents(/home1/cascolyi/public_html/symbiotest/symbiostock_xml_cache/034a03c4b634b1dc4bd15727bcebeb81) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/cascolyi/public_html/symbiotest/wp-content/themes/symbiostock/inc/classes/network-manager/network-manager.php on line 1239

Warning: file_put_contents(/home1/cascolyi/public_html/symbiotest/symbiostock_xml_cache/2330c87d8ba6daf4119c8df2576bd8ca) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/cascolyi/public_html/symbiotest/wp-content/themes/symbiostock/inc/classes/network-manager/network-manager.php on line 1239

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #137 on: May 22, 2013, 18:01 »
running 2.2.2 -- thanks - titles are coming thru fine now

but when I do a search on 'animal'  I get a number of error messages


image 208

image 178

image 127

image 94

image 85

image 64
Warning: file_put_contents(/home1/cascolyi/public_html/symbiotest/symbiostock_xml_cache/034a03c4b634b1dc4bd15727bcebeb81) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/cascolyi/public_html/symbiotest/wp-content/themes/symbiostock/inc/classes/network-manager/network-manager.php on line 1239

Warning: file_put_contents(/home1/cascolyi/public_html/symbiotest/symbiostock_xml_cache/2330c87d8ba6daf4119c8df2576bd8ca) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/cascolyi/public_html/symbiotest/wp-content/themes/symbiostock/inc/classes/network-manager/network-manager.php on line 1239

Just turn the theme on/off. It will install your cache folder. New installers will not have to worry about this - but people upgrading the test version have to toggle their theme to get it to run the installer ... which does this.

« Reply #138 on: May 22, 2013, 20:56 »
When I go to the Symbiostock website, downloads tab, is that version that I download 2.2.2 (is that the latest)?

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #139 on: May 22, 2013, 21:08 »
Hi there! 2.2.2 is only available to an exclusive club of special people. The secret password is "symbiostock" and you have to email me with the password to get the zip if you are desiring to test it...but its dangerous and only for the elite. If you can somehow find the secret password and email me leo[at]symbiostock.com I will send the testing theme :D

« Reply #140 on: May 22, 2013, 22:57 »
Had a thought..... Say I am off in the Amazon for 2 weeks, and my site gets hacked.  The hackers are sending all sorts of spam images and messages through the network.... I can't fix it cause I am off line.  Is there a way to remove it from the network?


« Reply #141 on: May 23, 2013, 03:01 »
Hi Leo

With V 2 if the site that is originally searched does not have any results their category list comes up (which is a good thing) and below it are the results from the network.

I think maybe the wording at the top of the category list should be changed from

No results found.  Try browsing the categories.  Maybe you will find some hidden gems!

To something like

No results fit your search, try browsing the categories to see if you can find the hidden gems.  Or scroll down to see my network members results

For some people the network results will show up on the page but on others (no names mentioned :) who may have somewhat detailed category lists) might need to scroll down a bit further

I think it is a good idea to show the category list as this will give them information for future needs.


Been thinking again: the network directory, at some point in the future, could there be a way for clients to "bookmark" certain sites that they are interested in so they stand out and they don't have to search through to find the ones they have seen but cannot remember where?

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #142 on: May 23, 2013, 04:14 »
Had a thought..... Say I am off in the Amazon for 2 weeks, and my site gets hacked.  The hackers are sending all sorts of spam images and messages through the network.... I can't fix it cause I am off line.  Is there a way to remove it from the network?

The only way to send anything through the network is via symbiocards, other than that deleting something will remove the network's ability to link to you. Symbiocards are mobile though. Right now things are too small to matter to any serious hackers - you have to reach a certain level of popularity before you worth the trouble to write custom codes for.

If your adventuring in the amazon though you've got bigger fish to fry than worrying about websites :D

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #143 on: May 23, 2013, 04:17 »
Hi Leo

With V 2 if the site that is originally searched does not have any results their category list comes up (which is a good thing) and below it are the results from the network.

I think maybe the wording at the top of the category list should be changed from

No results found.  Try browsing the categories.  Maybe you will find some hidden gems!

To something like

No results fit your search, try browsing the categories to see if you can find the hidden gems.  Or scroll down to see my network members results

For some people the network results will show up on the page but on others (no names mentioned :) who may have somewhat detailed category lists) might need to scroll down a bit further

I think it is a good idea to show the category list as this will give them information for future needs.


Been thinking again: the network directory, at some point in the future, could there be a way for clients to "bookmark" certain sites that they are interested in so they stand out and they don't have to search through to find the ones they have seen but cannot remember where?

Regarding the "hidden gems" text it would be nice to have something easy and attractive...aggreable to all. Anything to give the customer the idea that their efforts will reward them.

Bookmarking - I wanted to create a special symbiostock panel under each website that acts as a navigation bar for the network. Thats a project of a whole different caliber soon, after things start moving along.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #144 on: May 23, 2013, 04:19 »
Tomorrow is another full day of code, and possibly friday too. If you see any quirks be sure to mention them. I'm almost done! :D Thanks for all the help guys. I'm thinking by Tuesday we might just have an official launch in order.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #145 on: May 23, 2013, 04:28 »
Somehow my symbiocard info got cleared out. If anyone else notices that problem let me know.

« Reply #146 on: May 23, 2013, 05:28 »
Hi there! 2.2.2 is only available to an exclusive club of special people. The secret password is "symbiostock" and you have to email me with the password to get the zip if you are desiring to test it...but its dangerous and only for the elite. If you can somehow find the secret password and email me leo[at]symbiostock.com I will send the testing theme :D

Never mind, i will wait for the peon version.

« Reply #147 on: May 23, 2013, 08:44 »
Just a small adjustment would be nice in the  category view


« Reply #148 on: May 23, 2013, 09:43 »
Leo;  I saw that you fixed the Like button on the home page.  Thank you.  However it appears that it is still grayed out on the image page. 

Not a big issue if you want to wait until post release to fix it.


« Reply #149 on: May 23, 2013, 09:55 »

If your adventuring in the amazon though you've got bigger fish to fry than worrying about websites :D

Actually, the Amazon is a 2 hr bus ride away... so not that big a deal. :)  But I do worry about hackers and spam, espically when I do lose internet access for days at a time.


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