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Author Topic: Announcing Adobe Firefly A new family of creative generative AI models  (Read 34646 times)

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« on: March 21, 2023, 08:05 »
Hi Everyone,
This morning Pacific Daylight Time, we emailed our contributors the following message.
We wanted you to be the first to know that today Adobe introduced Adobe Firefly, a new family of creative generative AI models. Fireflys initial focus on images and test effects is now available in beta at firefly.adobe.com. The first model of Firefly is trained on Adobe Stock images, openly licensed content, and public domain content, where copyright has expired and is designed to generate images safe for commercial use. During the beta phase, the Firefly-generated assets cannot be used for commercial purposes.
We are investing in generative AI to help creators transform the way they imagine and explore possibilities. We are committed to developing generative AI responsibly, with creators at the center. Through efforts like the Content Authenticity Initiative, were standing up for accountability, responsibility, and transparency in generative AI. We are developing a compensation model for Stock contributors, and we will share the details of this model when Firefly exits beta.
You can read more about our announcement here:
Please see our FAQ for more information about the beta release of Firefly here: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/firefly-faq-for-adobe-stock-contributors.html
Learn more about the Content Authenticity Initiative here: https://contentauthenticity.org/         
Please let me know if you have any questions,

Mat Hayward

« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2023, 08:18 »
Hi Everyone,
This morning Pacific Daylight Time, we emailed our contributors the following message.
We wanted you to be the first to know that today Adobe introduced Adobe Firefly, a new family of creative generative AI models. Fireflys initial focus on images and test effects is now available in beta at firefly.adobe.com. The first model of Firefly is trained on Adobe Stock images, openly licensed content, and public domain content, where copyright has expired and is designed to generate images safe for commercial use. During the beta phase, the Firefly-generated assets cannot be used for commercial purposes.
We are investing in generative AI to help creators transform the way they imagine and explore possibilities. We are committed to developing generative AI responsibly, with creators at the center. Through efforts like the Content Authenticity Initiative, were standing up for accountability, responsibility, and transparency in generative AI. We are developing a compensation model for Stock contributors, and we will share the details of this model when Firefly exits beta.
You can read more about our announcement here: https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2023/03/21/bringing-gen-ai-to-creative-cloud-adobe-firefly
Please see our FAQ for more information about the beta release of Firefly here: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/firefly-faq-for-adobe-stock-contributors.html
Learn more about the Content Authenticity Initiative here: https://contentauthenticity.org/         
Please let me know if you have any questions,

Mat Hayward

This 👇 is not good.  :(
Can you please explore the opt-out faster?
« Last Edit: March 22, 2023, 14:29 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2023, 08:38 »
That is amazing Mat, looking forward to get access to the beta program to try it out.

« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2023, 08:41 »
We are developing a compensation model for Stock contributors, and we will share the details of this model when Firefly exits beta.
Universal Basic Income?  ;)

Re-establish payment for europeans?  ???
« Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 09:15 by DiscreetDuck »

« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2023, 08:51 »
Thank you!!

Cant wait to try it.

Everything generated with firefly can be used safely and uploaded as ai content. That is fantastic!!


I just applied to the program, hope I get accepted for both images and text.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 08:55 by cobalt »

« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2023, 09:13 »
Everything generated with firefly can be used safely and uploaded as ai content. That is fantastic!!

But not during beta.

Cant wait to hear the compensation model.  UBI is a good way to look at it.  Technology that displaces workers/creatives should help to fund those displaced so they can continue to provide alternatives.

« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2023, 09:22 »
True, we have to wait for beta to end. But perhaps Adobe can find a way to give earlier access for stock producers.

« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2023, 09:26 »
True, we have to wait for beta to end. But perhaps Adobe can find a way to give earlier access for stock producers.
Already done, microprocessor have access! since they are the new stock producers  ;D

« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2023, 09:28 »
LOL! I am still hoping to have a few years of fun with ai, before I am completely replaced

« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2023, 12:09 »
I always thought that company must "explore all the possibilities" of such a complex product before development even starts, especially considering that contributor images are the key core asset of this product creation.

And the only reason not to give an opt-out (i'm not even talking about "opt-in" lol), is because, you know... because... mmm... But what do i know, right?  ;D
« Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 12:21 by lenev »

« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2023, 12:26 »
I was looking at coverage of Adobe's Firefly announcement, coming as it does on a day when Google has announced access to Bard - following lots of coverage of lots of chatbots. The most fun headline was from a Forrester article: "Generative AI Gets An Upgrade To Business Class With Adobe Firefly"


Gizmodo says "Adobe Says Its New Firefly AI Image Generator Doesn't Steal Other People's Art" and at the end points out: "However, in Adobes case, it seems stock contributors wont have much or any choice at all. " It was the only article I found that talked about Shutterstock's launch of something similar while Getty went the route of suing Stable Diffusion:


Tech Crunch has a long article about the launch, competitors, and the issues yet to be worked out:


The Verge talks about this being a big deal as Adobe sits at the center of the creative ecosystem:

"Adobe is putting one big twist on its generative AI tools: its one of the few companies willing to discuss what data its models are trained on. And according to Adobe, everything fed to its models is either out of copyright, licensed for training, or in the Adobe Stock library, which Costin says the company has the rights to use. Thats supposed to give Adobes system the advantages of not pissing off artists and making its system more brand-safe. We can generate high quality content and not random brands and others IP because our model has never seen that brand content or trademark, Costin said."


The Guardian's tech columnist covers the current chatbot landscape and points out the importance of Adobe being upfront about what Firefly was trained on:

"A core plank of Firefly is that the company is offering safe generation: its generative model is, it says, trained on Adobe Stock images, openly licensed content, and public domain content where copyright has expired. In other words, if you work with Firefly-created images, you know for certain that there is no nasty copyright lawsuit coming down the line. That stands in stark contrast to GPT-4, which is trained on well, no one actually knows."


C-NET (who had to put a note at the end about how it uses AI to write articles, although apparently not this one) covered the legal as well as technical aspects of how what Adobe is doing differs from others venturing into the generative AI world:

"Developing good AI isn't just a technical matter. Adobe set up Firefly to sidestep legal and social problems that AI poses."


And a few more..






Looking at what the stock market thinks, Adobe and Google's stock is up today (more than the overall market), Microsoft's is down slightly and Shutterstock's was down but is now neutral.

What's that quote about a curse? May you live in interesting times? :)
« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 13:22 by Jo Ann Snover »

« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2023, 13:05 »
Those are great links, I'll add them to my other list/thread.

Thank you!

« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2023, 13:25 »
for a more general discussion including AI replacing programmers, editors & managers ("anything that can be done remotely on a computer)

A.I. Is About to Get Much Weirder. Heres What to Watch For.
The Vox writer Kelsey Piper talks about the increasing pace of A.I. development, how its changing the world and what to do about it.


March 21, 2023

« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2023, 13:39 »
Adobe Firefly, I did not understand anything. Will I be able to create images in Adobe Firefly in the future and then sell on Adobe?

« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2023, 13:40 »

« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2023, 13:51 »
Adobe Firefly, I did not understand anything. Will I be able to create images in Adobe Firefly in the future and then sell on Adobe?

During the Firefly beta, any Firefly-generated assets cannot be used for commercial purposes.  We will share details about the use of Firefly-generated assets once Firefly is officially released.  Adobe Stock today accepts AI generated works that otherwise meet Adobe Stocks requirements.

Thanks for the question,

Mat Hayward

« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2023, 14:02 »
Mat, what if I use AI to transform my original image?

Will it be considered as AI or original image?

« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2023, 15:29 »
Mat, what if I use AI to transform my original image?

Will it be considered as AI or original image?

I'm assuming you mean this in the context of uploading to Adobe Stock? If you are using any generative AI software during any part of the creation of your asset, you must comply with all generative AI submissions. As noted above in this thread, while Firefly is in beta, you cannot use the content generated for commercial use, which includes stock uploads.

As a reminder, the generative AI submission guidelines can be found here: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/generative-ai-content.html


Mat Hayward


« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2023, 15:53 »
Hi Everyone,
This morning Pacific Daylight Time, we emailed our contributors the following message.
We wanted you to be the first to know that today Adobe introduced Adobe Firefly, a new family of creative generative AI models. Fireflys initial focus on images and test effects is now available in beta at firefly.adobe.com. The first model of Firefly is trained on Adobe Stock images, openly licensed content, and public domain content, where copyright has expired and is designed to generate images safe for commercial use. During the beta phase, the Firefly-generated assets cannot be used for commercial purposes.
We are investing in generative AI to help creators transform the way they imagine and explore possibilities. We are committed to developing generative AI responsibly, with creators at the center. Through efforts like the Content Authenticity Initiative, were standing up for accountability, responsibility, and transparency in generative AI. We are developing a compensation model for Stock contributors, and we will share the details of this model when Firefly exits beta.
You can read more about our announcement here: https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2023/03/21/bringing-gen-ai-to-creative-cloud-adobe-firefly
Please see our FAQ for more information about the beta release of Firefly here: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/firefly-faq-for-adobe-stock-contributors.html
Learn more about the Content Authenticity Initiative here: https://contentauthenticity.org/         
Please let me know if you have any questions,

Mat Hayward

Just wondering how you can keep a straight face announcing this exciting news. Pay must be really good then at Adobe :)
Are they looking for more people advocating this 'without you there is no us' stuff? Maybe some (other) people would change jobs then. Asking for a friend.


« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2023, 18:13 »
What about the 2.6 millions AI generated images already uploaded and actually for sale in Adobe Stock Photo web site? Most of them generated by Midjourney

« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2023, 00:36 »

We are investing in generative AI to help creators transform the way they imagine and explore possibilities. We are committed to developing generative AI responsibly, with creators at the center.
Mat Hayward

Calling Ai users "CREATORS" is like to call people with a tv remote control - MOVIE DIRECTORS.

« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2023, 03:06 »
It doesnt look that ordinary customer will be able to use firefly such easy like to search image in stocks. It looks like you will need some knowledge how to use this app, it is some kind advanced photoshop or illustrator. We need to adapt to the changes, there is no time to cry like "They are stealing our jobs".

« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2023, 03:35 »
It doesnt look that ordinary customer will be able to use firefly such easy like to search image in stocks. It looks like you will need some knowledge how to use this app, it is some kind advanced photoshop or illustrator. We need to adapt to the changes, there is no time to cry like "They are stealing our jobs".
Welcome newcomer, you are late you know? you should have bebun stock photography 15 years ago...
You use a smartphone to produce your images, and already complained about sales on Adobe Stock : "[...] My sales dropped drastically a couple of days ago". So, you do know what crying is  ;D See you soon for your next complain.

« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2023, 04:23 »
It doesnt look that ordinary customer will be able to use firefly such easy like to search image in stocks. It looks like you will need some knowledge how to use this app, it is some kind advanced photoshop or illustrator. We need to adapt to the changes, there is no time to cry like "They are stealing our jobs".
Welcome newcomer, you are late you know? you should have bebun stock photography 15 years ago...
You use a smartphone to produce your images, and already complained about sales on Adobe Stock : "[...] My sales dropped drastically a couple of days ago". So, you do know what crying is  ;D See you soon for your next complain.

oh gosh, your life must be really meaningless if you look at my post history and try guess my life. poor you :D

« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2023, 04:30 »
Hi Everyone,
This morning Pacific Daylight Time, we emailed our contributors the following message.
Please let me know if you have any questions,

Mat Hayward

I have this main question: I didn't receive anything at all ... Are there any settings (which ones?) that I have failed to set correctly? Can you help me? I try not to get spammed too much in general (not by Adobe, in general!) , but real communications I always want to have... Maybe in the year of transition from Fotolia I missed something and can't find it anymore, is that possible? Can you help? :)

Or maybe not all contributors were involved, is that possible?


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